[hider=Katrina Hopkins] Appearance: [img]http://image.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/6614/184922894/stock-photo-portrait-with-natural-light-selective-focus-on-nearest-eye-184922894.jpg[/img] Name: Katrina Hopkins Alias: Kat Age: 26 Gender: Female Personality: A bit on the shy, quiet side, but usually friendly. She is better at small talk than deep personal things. Easily upset: injured animals and people, sad movies and unhappy endings can make her cry, although she hates to do so in public. She likes flowers and candy and painting, usually abstract stuff. She tries not to be gullible, but sometimes she can trust people too easily and this can lead into very bad situations. When her life is threatened for enough time, she has an initial adrenaline rush but after that she forces herself into a sedated and catatonic state and into an astral projection. She likes to sing but isn't very good at it, and she can seem kind of dreamy and "in the clouds" sometimes. She loves animals dearly. Weakness: People who seem innocent, friendly and maybe charming on the outside, but are actually hiding evil intentions, can fool her pretty easily. Night driving is very difficult for her. Extreme stress can cause her to just shut down. The longer she spends in an astral projection, the closer her physical body gets to dying. Powers: Astral projection: Her consciousness or soul if you want to call it that can exit her physical body either at will or during seemingly inescapable situations. This is useful for figuring her way around a building without being detected, among other things. When she is astral-walking, she can sense the 'life forces' of living things, and also sense the world through their eyes or literally put themselves in their shoes, but she cannot control whatever she possesses. Abilities: Good with a nice sturdy knife. Light and fast on her feet. Gear: A pretty standard hunting knife and a small handgun for emergencies only, because she isn't a very good shot. History: Katrina was born and raised a single child near Gardiner, Montana. She lived in a pretty rural place with her parents, and for the first eleven years of her life, she thought that she was likely the most plain, unimpressive, and just, well, [i]normal[/i] person on the planet. This changed on her eleventh birthday. Her father was driving her and her mother home after a day of pretty average birthday stuff; they were on a dirt road and it was getting dark. Katrina was nodding off like most children would when a deer appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and was fatally hit by the car. The shock of the accident sent her into her first astral projection, where she watched the bloodied deer suffer and was then sucked into its senses; in a way she became the dying animal. She didn't say a word at all for about a week after that, and she still sometimes has nightmares in which she can see headlights rushing for her. It took a while, but eventually she got used to what happened, and came to terms with her newfound ability, and over the course of years managed to master her power. Sometimes she "wandered off" during classes, or while her parents lectured her for whatever stupid teenager thing she had done, and this caused some tension during her childhood. When she was 17 she had her first superpower-caused near death experience when she got in a fight with her mother and simply astral-walked away from the situation. Her consciousness traveled spent so long away from it that her physical self began to shut down. She spent a few days in the hospital and that's the fun story of how she learned not to abuse her powers. She came to New York when she was 19 because she'd decided that Montana was too boring and familiar to her. She wanted to try being a city girl, go to some clubs, see if she could spot a superhero maybe. After a few years, that became stale too. She reasoned that her powers could perhaps be useful in the whole superhero business, so she made a ridiculous costume and hit the streets! Hobbies: Sewing, rescuing animals, birdwatching, feeding pigeons. Other: She's been a vegetarian since she was 11. United, bruh. [/hider]