Marcus was cought of guard from the sudden burst of magic that played out before him. He turned his head and there it was a big ass steel creature spewing toxic into the air. "Awww what the fuck Meruin!" Marcus shouted knowing she's probably the only one to pull of some massive bull at the beginning of a fun day. He laughed at Cornilea treating his life after she saved him. He exhaled heavily. "Now I have to go all out on a fucking golem!" He clentched his fist and his eyes began to shine a even brighter color of blue. Almost a cyan like color. His appearance didn't change but he could probably karate chop a dump truck in half with the level of strength he's at now. Marcus looked at the golem and turned back to Cornilea. "Meruin's not a bitch she's a genius and if I here you say that again I'll snap you like a twig." He jumped forward causing a powerful gust of wind to blow threw the halls as he jumped threw the hole the golem made and continued to its location to attempt to stop it. On his way to the golem Marcus received Deus's telepathic message. [Color=cyan] "Dude can't right now. A giant piece of moving steel has just appeared and I need to punch it. Get miss pissy to help you. When your done I might need some help here with the golem." [/Color]