[center][img]http://www.eonline.com/resize/300/485/www.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014021/rs_634x1024-140121112508-634.zac-efron-monkey.ls.12114.jpg[/img] [i]I Solemnly Swear I'm Up To No Good[/i][/center] [b]Name[/b] [indent]Devin Coal[/indent] [b]Age[/b] [indent]16[/indent] [b]School Year[/b] [indent]Fifth Year[/indent] [b]House[/b] [indent]Gryffindor[/indent] [b]Short Bio[/b] [indent]Devin was born in Vancouver, BC in Canada to two muggle parents. One worked in the tech industry while the other was a veterinarian at the city zoo. Visiting family living in New Zealand it was discovered that Devin had inherited the magical blood a portion of his mothers family still carried. Soon enough it was decided that he could pursue both education tracks. Spending the normal school year at Hogwarts and the summer catching up with his muggle studies.[/indent] [b]Personality[/b] [indent]Creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick are words Devin’s teachers would use to describe him on report cards. He is good at a broad range of things. Enjoys debating issues, and can be into "one-upmanship"; however, this trait is for the joy of competition and not malicious. Devin gets very excited about new ideas and projects, but can neglect the more routine aspects of life. Generally outspoken and assertive some might say he is a leader. Devin enjoys people and is stimulating company. Excellent ability to understand concepts and apply logic to find solutions.[/indent] [b]Classes taken[/b] [indent]Defense against the Dark Arts History of Magic Transfiguration Charms Care of Magical Creatures[/indent] [b]Wand[/b] [indent]Redwood & Sea Serpents Whisker[/indent] [b]Hobbies[/b] [indent]Muggle Sports / Quidditch Scuba Diving Hiking / Camping[/indent] [b]Pets[/b] [indent]Siberian Husky (Chopsticks)[/indent] [b]Extra[/b] [indent]Devin is the founder and president of the Muggle Appreciation Club (MAC) at Hogwarts. The club meets to celebrate muggle culture. At least that is what it is when talking to any professor. To Devin and other members it is a place where they can go to enjoy the comforts of the muggle world. At first it was seen as a weird thing that muggle born students went to, but after some time watching sports, partying because of some muggle holiday, and learning about muggle life had become fairly popular. Devin even got the school to allow the club room to be free of anti electricity charms so the TV and computers would work. Devin was made a Prefect for his house. He has been looking forward to using the special bathroom more often as he was allowed access after quidditch matches since he was a team captain. Now that he is a prefect he will also be able to enjoy being out past the normal school curfew though he will be patrolling the halls looking for students sneaking out. Devin is also the Captain and keeper for the Griffindor Quidditch team. With Jay using muggle sports tactics and Luc teaching the team how to improve their flying ability the current team is believed to be one of the strongest ever assembled. Since all three joined two years ago they won the Inter-House Quidditch Cup twice. They are back and armed with a whole new book of plays and tricks. Rumors that the three have been scouted by professional teams are common. The three haven't said anything to deny these. Devin does not have an owl or bird to deliver letters home so instead he uses his friends birds to communicate with his friends and family back home. Since the creation of the MAC he has been able to use email more often, but his mom loves it when he sends her letter by different birds so he often seeks out new and interested birds to send her letters which mostly feature the topic of magical creatures. Devin was required to get special acceptance to bring his somewhat large dog Chopsticks to school. Originally the school never allowed such large animals, but by relying on the magical worlds complete ignorance of the muggle world Devin was able to convince the school that muggle students were allowed to bring their dogs to school and it would be really helpful to have Chopsticks with him at school. Since then Chopsticks has enjoyed chasing the schools house elfs and going for runs with Devin around the lake. [/indent] [center]Character Connections[/center] [hider=Anastasia (Ana) Borak] Ana and Devin first met during the presorting hat ritual of taking boats to the school. His nervousness over the whole ordeal was written over his face and he found the fact that Ana seemed to know everything there was to know about the school and what was about to happen incredibly comforting. They have been study partners for a few projects and while many find her no nonsense study habits off putting Devin still enjoys her company when she allows him to bother her. He enjoys teasing her on how little about the muggle world she knows. [/hider] [hider=Kaelyn Cobble] Kaelyn was Devin's first crush. That sort of crush you get when you meet someone who just doesn't seem to have any faults. Funny, flirty, and happy there was little in the way of flaws that Devin could see. Still the distance of two years meant Devin rarely had any interaction especially since they were in different houses. The crush steadily marched over to admiration. [/hider] [hider=Gabriel Mal Thea] Devin was never one to fall into the whole rivalry between the houses (except for when Quidditch was being played) So it was a bit of a surprise when Devin began to socialize with Gabriel outside of classes. The two had more than their share of classes together. The biggest story between the two is one Devin loves to share and Gabriel hates to hear. During potions the two were partnered and Devin watched as Gabriel silently poured way to many merman tears into the potion. A second later the whole pot was bubbling green and explodes. The result of the potion was perfectly clean hair... in that Gabriel blew his entire head of hair off. Thankfully the two learned how to mix a hair growing potion to make up credit for failing the class exercise. [/hider] [hider=Lucine Scamander] More than a few people have speculated that Lucine and Devin are sweethearts. Likely due to their mutual love for Care for Magical Creatures course. The worst was when the two were charged with putting a chupacabra back in a cage. The claws snagged both of them a few times and after finally getting it into its cage their clothes were mostly gone. Needless to say there were more than a few rumors and jokes wandering the halls at their expense. [/hider] [hider=Hannah Beckings] Hannah is a member of Devin's Muggle Appreciation Club. While most know her as a somewhat shy student Hannah has let her hair down as it were in front of Devin several times. During the early months of the clubs creation Hannah seemed to enjoying the meetings. She would keep to herself mostly, but still her early attendance was a big boost for Devin. Since the popularity of the club has increased Hannah's attendance has started to boarder on rare.[/hider] [hider=Jason “Jay” Vega] Jason is Devin's best friend. Both born on the West coast of north america and from across the pond the two had a lot in common. Add in the fact that they are in the same house and you have two nearly inseparable buddies. The two are the founding members of the Muggle Appreciation Club which came about after the two realized they both love football and the Seahawks vs 49ers game was impossible to watch in Hogwarts. Since then people have told them that they can talk like they aren't in a school for magic. The two don't mind and often continue their conversation. [/hider] [hider=Luc Anaxi Lupin] Luc rounds out what many in the school call the Griffindor Lions. With Devin being the Mane and Jay the Paw Luc is known as the roar. The three have been friends since first year. More trouble has befallen Devin because of Luc than any other member of Griffindor. This often comes into play when the two begin to compete over something completely pointless. Two happy go lucky competitive types is not what the grounds keeper of the school wants. The time they spent in detention is almost as much time as they practice on brooms. [/hider] [hider=Alyssa Carrow] Things could not have gone more wrong when Devin met Alyssa. After introducing himself to her she said her name and seemed bothered that he didn't say anything other than 'nice to meet you'. Learning that Devin had no idea what the Carrow name carried seemed to rub her the wrong way; however, it was after she educated Devin in why her family was prestigious that she got an explanation right back about Devin's family, his muggle family. Since than Alyssa has had a chip on her shoulder when it comes to Devin. This was made all the more so when he created the MAC and invited Alyssa to the meetings. He is aware of her disdain for muggles, but has made it very clear that he intends to kill it with kindness. [/hider] [hider=Adrian Bennett] The only time these two have had the pleasure of crossing paths is on the Quidditch pitch. The two have lead their teams to resounding victories and for the past two years Gryffindors has won the Inter-House Quidditch Cup only after beating Ravenclaw. [/hider] [hider=Sun-Sun Ying] Sun-Sun met Devin when both had Care for Magical Creatures. They got along well enough with Devin usually being his happy conversational self. He was understanding enough to notice that his classmate was struggling with things. He was never one to pry so he just kept along his normal social self. When he found out she had a fondness for water he invited her to join him for a scuba diving trip in the school lake. The two enjoyed their time under water and have sense made several trips. [/hider]