Deus opened his eyes, they were pitch black, as black as the endless void of space. He deactivated the Force-Field and began to fly up in the air. Once he was high enough, he put both of his hands forward, which contained the black holes. Right now no one needed the ability to see Aura, to see Deus's Aura. It was a mix of Purple, Light, and Dark. He began to rotate his hands in a circular motion until one of them was pointing south, and the other one pointing North. His Aura increased so much that the clouds dispersed in all directions. He looked at Meruin from Above. [b][i][color=purple]"Space Time Event Negation: Absolute Vanishing Shift!"[/color][/i][/b] In a few seconds the titans and whatever it was that Meruin spawned would disappear, for this ability was named Event Negation and what it does is that The user of this power can take any event that has happened and revert it back to the state that it was previously in, as if the event never happened, thus effectively undoing any changes that occurred in said event. This could range from something as simple as regenerating an arm that has already been severed and incinerated and the wound already sealed off, to rejecting death itself for resurrection, Although Deus can only use it once a day, and he has not reached the level where he can reverse death or heal himself.