"Rondorio? Huh...Well, Rondorio is a huuuuge city where all the houses are made of stone. Around 150000 people live there. They all wear colorful clothes and drink alcohol all day..." Galard said, not really wanting to talk about Rondorio, after all he was exiled. While walking Galard could notice Ashar was interested in his sword, he pulled it out of it's sheath and showed it to her, she could even see herself reflected in the blade, something impossible form them due to their primitive technology. "This is a sword, a weapon just like your spears, but much more durable and deadly. Unlike your spears this sword is mad of metal, steel more specifically..." Galard explained about swords and the types of metals, bronze, iron steel and some others. He even made a demonstration, cutting a thick branch of a tree, something impossible for the obsidian, which would have broken.