[hider=ʕ • ᴥ •ʔ][h1][color=a0410d]Espen Holter[/color][/h1][i]The Hunter[/i] [b][u][color=a0410d]Age:[/color][/u][/b] 19 [b][u][color=a0410d]Gender:[/color][/u][/b] Male [b][u][color=a0410d]Personality[/color][/u][/b] [i][color=39b54a]+[/color] Brave [color=39b54a]+[/color] Strong [color=39b54a]+[/color] Superficially content. [color=39b54a]+[/color] Cunning [color=39b54a]+[/color] Selfless [color=39b54a]+[/color] Inquisitive [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Volatile [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Over-protective [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Vengeful [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Stubborn [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Sadistic [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Distrustful [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Animalistic [color=ed1c24]✘[/color] Quick-tempered [/i] [b][u][color=a0410d]Appearance[/color][/u][/b] [b]Build:[/b] Lean [b]Hair/Hair color:[/b] Dark Brown [b]Skin color:[/b] Fair [b]Eye color:[/b] Hazel [b]Height:[/b] 6'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 160lb [b]Clothing:[/b] •Black Bear fur coat •Long-sleeved cream T-shirt •Pants •Black Combat boots •Leather gloves [hider=History] Espen was born into the same dwindling community as his parents. The main reason for his existence being that his older sister created a hole in his parent's hearts when she left that he would have to fill. Being a boy in a group comprised of hunters, Espen learned how to hunt. As soon as he was capable, his father was teaching him how to use a gun and survive during times like these. His father told him of the wonders the world held outside the walls of the small camp everyone he knew lived in. Stories of how his sister managed to escape. His father secretly wanted to go out into the open wild and leave the dying group himself but only stayed because of his wife. The inevitable happened and the weakening group got attacked by bandits. Many were slain, including Espen's father. Sandra was already saddened by her daughter's death at the tongue of a langue but her husband's death at the hands of fellow humans convinced her that the world was too dangerous. Too dangerous for a little boy who can barely wield a gun. So she placed him in a metal cage. A cage filled with two smaller cages. One Espen could barely fit in, one he could lay down and stretch in and another he could stand and manage some movement in. He could never leave her and die like his sister. He would be safe inside the cage, in her mind, and so she forced him to live in that cage for many years. His days filled with stories of the happy past his mother barely remembered. That is, until the future appeared to be brighter. She got a new partner and had a new child with him. When she attempted to place him in the cage with Espen, he smothered his sister. When his mother attempted to remove the corpse from the cage while he was asleep, Espen killed her. He fled into the forest afterward and never returned to the dwindling community. [/hider] [b][u][color=a0410d]Relationships[/color][/u][/b] [b][u]Sandra Holter[/u][/b] [i](Deceased)[/i] Espen's mother and second person he has killed. Espen spites her more than anyone or anything else that exists aside from himself. His memories of their earliest interactions would fill him with joy if it weren't for the most recent events that occurred between them. In his book, she caged him like an animal and he responded accordingly. Regardless of his opinion on her murder, Espen feels guilty. His mother's death will probably haunt him for the rest of his days. [b][u]Rose Holter[/u][/b] [i](Deceased)[/i] Espen did not actually communicate with his younger half-sister much, apart from killing her of course. He continues to question the morality of his decision to end his sister's life and despises himself because of what he did to the helpless infant. The desire to carry on the memory of his family's existence, be who he hoped Rose could be, and to find his sister a perfect burial place makes him feel the need to live. Rose is the reason he hasn't offed himself yet. [b]Rose the teddy bear[/b](As alive as a teddy bear can be) A teddy bear that Espen named after his dead sister that contains Rose's corpse. [b][u]Acteon Holter[/u][/b] [i](Deceased)[/i] Espen's truly misses and loves his now deceased father. Acteon had taught him the skills that made him survive in the woods and he knew that his father loved him very much. [b][u]Ferika Holter[/u][/b] [i](Deceased)[/i] Even though Espen has only heard about her from stories told by his parents, Ferika has affected him. Ferika's impact on Espen is what stopped him from giving into his mother. What stopped him from simply accepting his life within the cage and boosted his desire to get out. He was not alive while she was up and kicking but he does thank her for her influence. [color=a0410d][u][b]Possessions:[/b][/u][/color] •Crossbow •Arrows •Rose the teddy bear •Uncooked Meat and Berries •Sewing needles+sewing stuff [b][u][color=a0410d]Other[/color][/u][/b] •Claustrophobic as fuck. •He was born on June 5th. [/hider]