Sorry didn't see the last bit VIP- His dog Phill the only thing left of his past and the only thing that reminds him of what became of his family. To this day he denies to him self that he had done it but deep down he knew he did... Background- It was his high school graduation party, several of his family members gatherd around the table and wished him well passing him drinks. A few hours later the house was empty besides his parents and little sister who slept quietly upstairs. He sat alone at the table finishing the last of his drink and thinking of what college he planned to go to when suddenly it struck him. He didn't need college, you see Max had always had a dark interest in serial killer some might even say obsession. As he drained the last of his drink he began to nod off. That night he dreamed of fullfiling his dark aspirations of becoming a famous serial killer he had spent a lot of though on how he would dot it. Flaying and butchering the bodies with carefull precision. He smiled as a he removed first a heart and then a brain, braking for a moment to dip is finger in the pool of blood that had filled the bath tub. He woke with a start lying on the bathroom floor to find that he had not dreamed it at all and to his horror he found the piles of rotting meat that once was his family hanging from the shower head.