Jack piloted the Duel into it's recharge station and powered down most of the systems, but keeping a few choice ones open that he used. Ever since he'd arrived on this strange Earth, he'd been trying to reach the Earth Alliance command back home, with no success. Still, he wasn't gonna give up. On top of that, he was still listening to music to calm his nerves after the meeting. Who did that woman think she was, ordering people who weren't even under her command around and treating them like idiots. It was fortunate he knew when and where to blow a gasket and that certainly wasn't one of those times. He listened to Neena and Paul go at it and shook his head, still wondering how someone hadn't shot the girl already with the way she ran her mouth. [color=DarkRed][i]Who am I kidding? Preach about not treating everyone like an enemy and then I go and wonder why an ally hasn't been shot dead. Keep it straight, Jameson.[/i][/color] Letting the song he was on finish, he shuts down the last few systems and opens up the cockpit, climbing out after locking the controls so only he could use Duel.