[img] http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/3181840/heat-vision-o.gif[/img] As the two beams of heat vision met, a massive explosion was triggered sending both men away from each other. Superman had answered him, and Ultraman would pay him back in kind. But not now. Flying south, he flew back to the Silver Star Apartments building, and sat atop the roof. What he had told the other Kryptonian was true. He [I]was[/I] here to seize his destiny. But unfortunately he did not know how. As a Kryptonian, he had access to almost godlike ability. To wield power like this required drive, and intensity, otherwise he was simply a mindless brute, capable only of wreaking havoc on his enemies. Whatever the case, he knew he wanted to be more than just a strongman. He wanted SOMETHING, that much was clear. Otherwise, he might as well have been stumbling in the dark. His fist crashed into the steel beside him, crushing it like Styrofoam. How angry could one man be? He had no sense of purpose, no destiny, but all the power in the world. Ultraman's eyes gazed heavenward, telescoping to the moon. There was something there, some...installation jutting out from its surface. The other Kryptonian was not the only superhero on this world. Here, he was one among many. But there, atop the moon, there might lay his destiny. As they always did, Ultraman's eyes began to burn red with heat vision. It was, after all, his favorite power. "I WILL seize My destiny."