Mithias awoke, floating in the void that surrounded him. The pain of another death ebbed from him as the incredible healing force compelled his own body together from ashes, atoms, and aerosolized spatter. Somehow, he was still holding Teo's hammer, although it lacked the reality-shattering spark that had transformed it into a weapon of will. The orb of hope was gone. Mithias looked down at the hammer, and the sword still summoned to his other hand and he recalled. He had probably been physically obliterated for better half of the Daemon's death and aftermath. "We can't die, can we Tsukune?" He asked his soulmate. Mithias looked around at the quiet blackness not expecting an answer. There was a time long ago when he thought he had been dead. He remembered nothing of where he had come from before that. He had simply manifested in Hell's coffee lounge, mug in hand, screaming spirits drank down his throat. Bob laughed. Mithias laughed. Maybe it was still out there somewhere. Faint sparkles of other worlds and stars twinkled in the distance. Yes, the universe was still there. It had been there long before him too, and Mithias hoped he would never see the end of it. First, right now, he would try to find his friends. What he wouldn't give to get back to that crazy hang out of theirs. There would be so many new stories, new faces. Life would go on. "Drac? ... Teo? Kishin?" Was there a Kishin? Mithias' head was a little fuzzy. It didn't matter however. It didn't look like anyone was around. A big explosion had just happened, after all.