Heather sighed as she sat on a rock and watched the soldiers make their rounds around the Tevinter corpses. She was on watch for more surprise attacks. It bothered her a little to be fighting other people. She knew a demon was bad, but you couldn't really tell if a person, even a mage, was bad when you meet them in battle. She didn't doubt there were many good people that lived and fought for Tevinter. She didn't enjoy killing people, especially innocent people, but she wasn't about to die or let others die to them... She inspected her blade as she cleaned the blood from it. It was her father's and she took very good care of it. It was a fairly plain blade. Although, a little longer than most and had runes etched along the blade. In truth, they didn't do anything except look neat. The sword just felt so right to her. Good weight, sturdy, and versatile. She examined it one last time before laying it next to her. She took a look at her clothes to check for bloodstains. There was some on her armor, which she cleaned off, and there were some on her robes which would take some special cleaning. She shook her head, crossed her legs, and rested her chin on her hands as she watched their surroundings. Heather was already ready to go, she didn't like spending too much time in one place. Well, at least without something cute to distract her... maybe a kitten? Oh, or a puppy!