[h2][center]Heiwa no Tochi[/center][/h2] The boy began to laugh, paying no attention to the bellator that surrounded him. "Gee, a whole squad just for me? I'm flattered, sir!" He said, bowing in the way one would only bow at the most formal of functions. "What, do you people think that this planet is the beginning of some grand conquest into Abh space? Already acting like we're a lower life form, using the best derogatory terms you can come up with, which aren't that good." The boy observed the soldier, looking him up and down as if searching for something. Apparently, he didn't find anything. "Gee, you're quite a specimen. I've heard that you people get bigger and weaker when you eat, that's really weird!" He said in a tone cheerful enough to make him sound like an innocent young boy, even though he was probably in high school. "Well, I've got to get going! I'm trying out a new dish today, have you ever tried noodles with squashed tomatoes? No, of course you haven't, you wouldn't have tomatoes on your planet. You should come over sometime and try some, if it doesn't make you too big to fight, of course!" The boy ran off, happy to know just how the Romans reacted. He hadn't expected for them to call in an entire separate squad to deal with some guy being passive-aggressive. He could probably get some lady to ask for help getting her cat out of a tree, and he'd have drawn half the army away from their HQ. [hr] [i]Clearly the noodles. There's something wrong with the noodles.[/i] A wad of half-eaten noodles lay on top of the plate, which itself was filled with some unholy union of noodles, cheese, and badly prepared tomato sauce. The boy just stared at it, unsure of what he had done wrong. He thought everything had gone perfectly, and he had prepared the noodles a dozen different ways already, but they never came out right. [i]They seem too thin, but that's just a quirk of my memory, right?[/i] He stared at the food longer, so deep in thought that the sight of his half-eaten wad didn't bother him. "WHEAT AND FLOUR!" He exclaimed, slapping his forehead. The door to the room creaked open, and another Abh poked her head through. "What? Did you figure out something with your crazy dream tomato noodles?" "Yes! I need long, thick noodles made out of wheat and flour!" "Lasec, did it ever occur to you that food you see in dreams might [i]not[/i] be good?" "Hey, do you even know how good it looked in the dream? That stuff looked awesome!" "Then why didn't you eat it?" "For some reason, I thought I couldn't stomach noodles." The other Abh walked over to Lasec, standing next to him and trying not to look at either the wad of noodles or the unholy matrimony that it stood upon. Her hair was an oddity, not because of its color (It was a soothing blue, not rare in any way), but because of how it grew. For whatever reason, it grew extremely quickly until it reached a certain length, and then it just stopped. At this point, she had given up and just let it hang down near her hips. In fact, she stopped growing not when it was time, but when she had reached a seemingly predetermined height. Her ears were also an oddity, being far larger than they had any right to be. They even drooped slightly, extending further from her head than those of anyone else on the planet. It was not a fact she was particularly fond of keeping to herself. "Seriously, what makes you think these dreams have any bearing on reality?" "Remember the stew-ish stuff I made a while back?" "The surprisingly good stuff with the burnt flour in it?" "Yeah, well, I got that from a dream. I literally read the recipe." "Like you could remember a recipe from a dream, or anything, for that matter." "Oh yeah? Well, there was this really tall pot on the stove, and it had a whole chicken in it, with a bunch of plants floating above it. I had just finished putting the plants in, after cutting them on this little counter in the middle of the room. Some guy told me to read off the rest of the ingredients, and I looked at the recipe. It was on a restaurant table, but it was in a house. Anyways, the next thing in the recipe was... Khe... Kheer... something with a "kh" sound at the start and a "sa" at the end. There was some other sound that I can't pronounce. So, the guy brings whatever it is out and sets it on the counter. It's this... this cylinder of meat. So, I pick up a knife to cut it, then I look at him. He was an alien, round ears flush to his head, short grayish brown hair, and these big eyes. Oh! His skin was odd too, it was... peach? Well, it was strangely pale. I didn't know it then, but..." The other Abh finished his sentence, something that they didn't need their bond to do. "He was a Roman!" "Yeah... I was cooking with a Roman two weeks before I met one." "Somehow, that's creepier than your weird hand thing." "Well, healing people by acting like you're holding a pen is more awesome than creepy. Cooking with people you only know as 'demons from the fifth planet' and 'animals in a person's skin'? Really damn creepy. Especially considering what I called him." "Huh? What did you call him." "Father." ((SORRY SORRY SORRY HAD TO GET THIS UP WILL DO MORE LATER KTHXBAI)) ((SORRY))