This was embarrassing, Luc decided, he had only done something like this because Devin had asked him to. It wasn’t like he didn’t enjoy it, just that until now he hadn’t done something this obviously ‘showy’. Least not before the feast. But no matter how embarrassed he felt, Luc just pulled on ‘his’ grin. It was quite a shock when scarves suddenly burst into flame, enough for Luc to almost drop the now colourfully clad cup, but truthfully, though he would never admit it, he found it rather amusing. The best part for him was that how he looked at the time was different to his usual face, an effort not to be embarrassed, and so the short, stout, boy with curly brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, would hopefully never be seen again. Some like Devin, would know it was Luc but most, hopefully, would not. Even though he was a loud, proud, out there boy, Luc didn’t like everyone knowing the ‘real’ him. Leaving the cup for some of the others to deal with Luc slipped away, heading for the Gryffindor table. As he walked he changed his appearance; his hair straightened, lengthened and changed, turning itself bubblegum pink from the roots down, not very inconspicuous, but that wasn’t the point. By the time he plopped himself down next to Devin he had pulled his hair back in a high pony tail that reached down to his backside, and his eyes were large and black as night. Luc grinned a greeting, tugging uncomfortably at his grey vest with the Gryffindor crest emblazoned over his chest. “Aw Man, didja see that?” He complained, scratching at his neck, “That was my only scarf!” He was however distracted as a small black thing darted in through one of the open windows, it looked suspiciously like Aimer, his family’s owl, but surely she was still at home? Just in case Luc let out a low whistle, only just loud enough for the owl to hear, and, surprisingly, it circled down, clattering to a stop in front of him. She appeared to be carrying a stick in her talons, however when she dropped it in front of Luc he saw that it was actually a wand. His eyes shooting extra wide, Luc reached for where his wand [i]should[/i] have been, and finding nothing there, he realized that the wand in front of him was [i]his[/i] wand. And if Aimer had to deliver it……… that meant he had left it at home. "Oh mon Dieu” He muttered dropping his head in his hands “Maman’s va me tuer”