[color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Kharmam [color=f7941d]Race:[/color] Redguard [color=f7941d]Age:[/color] 31 [color=f7941d]Gender:[/color] Female [color=f7941d]Appearance[/color] Kharmam is tall and muscular with dark brown-red skin. Her hair is black and shaved to stubble, and her eyes are brown. Scars from many whippings crisscross her back. She has a big tattoo covering her entire right arm and shoulder. [color=f7941d]Personality[/color] Kharmam is fierce. She has a loud mouth and a short temper and will protest loudly when she believes she is being treated unfairly. Her propensity for violence makes befriending her difficult and has gotten her into all sorts of trouble in the past. [color=f7941d]Background[/color] Hailing from the province of Hammerfell, Kharmam was brought up in a family of warriors. Both her parents were part of a respected order of knights, so she was expected to train for battle from an early age. Kharmams unstable temper was however not desired by the order. When it became clear to her that she would have to find employment elsewhere Kharmam ran away from home to become a mercenary and never returned. She was 15 at the time. The life of a sellsword was never easy but stubborn as she was she fought her way forward. Her career took her to many places outside of her homeland, and one day she found herself pinned down in a particularly nasty fight in the faraway province of Morrowind. She was defeated along with the rest of her band but was spared and sold into slavery. For five long years she served in an ebony mine before being sold to a Telvanni mage. That was one year ago. [color=f7941d]Abilities[/color] Kharmam is a veteran fighter trained by Redguard masters-at-arms and hardened by ten years of mercenary work. She is skilled and disciplined and has more than a few dirty tricks up her sleeve. Put a blade in her hands and she can perform miracles. She is not good with much else, though.