As a guest, he really had no right to comment about the table mannerisms of his host or that of his host's distempered son. One could wonder if all that muscle was gained only through the sheer force of him stuffing his gob full overpowering that of the calories in his food. Amanti sat blinking, honestly taken aback by the sudden ferocity in the Prince's appetite; he doubted he could spoil this monstrous hunger. And being of a quiet and passive disposition, he flinched when a hand came down to loudly smack the beast's claw, Amanti nearly expecting the ravenous creature to turn and hiss at who dared interrupt it's meal time. At the very least, the hunger stricken creature was gorging itself mostly on what smelled of marinated meats; something that the Fae would rather not have to given an explanation for why he could not let it pass through his lips. Turning back to the Emperor, he bowed his head, unable to help but observe the harsh weary lines weighing down a man that might've still been handsome in his age if not for the constant worry of his brow or the deep purplish vein throbbing dangerously in his forehead, threatening to burst at any second. It was plain and simple for all to see that the man was aged beyond his years, not just by the weight of his position, but the added burden of his 'trying' son. Simply put, it's remedy like anyone would agree that Jin Wei was to be the death of his brow beaten Father and come that day, many a dragon and creature a like would be holding bated breath as they waited to see how the Prince would ascend the throne and proceed to overtake his father's reign. Hopefully, the youth still had a few more centuries left to grow out of his adolescence. Striking a smile in answer to the man trying to play off his son's actions, one that hopefully showed that Amanti did not mind his aggressiveness towards his dinner. Vaguely, it was comical to an extent watching him wolf down the pork bao, meat juices dripping down his lip. At question to his appearance, his brow knitted and he anxiously pulled at his long sleeves, wondering if his fingers had skittered over a clasp or button or if he was wearing his robe backwards or if perhaps they noticed his lack of footwear. He soon realized what the Emperor was referring to. 'Appearance' in his mind, did not refer to what others believed it did. He would not berate the Emperor for being curious, but it was quite rude to ask so openly about his 'seasons', akin to making some rude jest at a lady in public; the nature of which should not be discussed at a dinner table. "Oh, no, please, pay no heed to it. It is..a birth defect." For there was very little other way to put it; what befell him and no other fae, "I am very much enthralled by your gracious gift. In fact," He paused, glancing at the Prince and his callous comment, turning away, "It-ah, Sindre is very good company. Despite his appearance and lock of knowledge over certain land based customs, he is very civil and pleasant to converse with. In fact, I've had a very engaging conversation with him and I believe there is so much more to learn from him if we only allowed him to see us as friends as well. This is a very rare opportunity we have to really learn about such fascinating creatures, perhaps even involve ourselves in helping each other." He concluded with a small smile tugging at his lips, like a student seeking praise after having just finished a long pondered over essay and speech. That hopeful smile quickly faded into a crest fallen gaze when the Emperor seemed to so casually ignore his suggestion and proceed to ask him about his disposition towards his room. Well, it wasn't out of intention probably, the man seemed more exhausted as the night waned on and perhaps Amanti should bring it up once more when he was in a more negotiable mood. Sindre technically belonged to him anyway so by right he did not need the Emperor's permission to release him, but he would rather it so no more creatures would suffer the same fate upon this shore. He jumped as the doors swung open and the chambermaid threw herself before them, but it was her words that stuck him more deeply. Amongst the flippant dismissal of the king, he shot up from where he stood causing his bowl to shake. Suddenly, he felt quite awkward, realizing his readiness did not match that of his unbothered host. Slowly, he slid back down into his seat, feeling somewhat disturbed by the unperturbed remarks made by the emperor and the scornful dig by his son. This wasn't what he wanted; yes he wanted Sindre found, but the Emperor's emphasized words made his stomach toss, knowing his words had truly been ignored. "Forgive me, but I feel a little weary from my journey. I do not think I have the appetite for this feast you have prepared. My greatest apologies for the trouble you had to go through, but I believe I shall have to retire early to bed." And to look for Sindre. He really couldn't have gone far could he? Unless...he prayed the drop from the balcony would not be too steep if he chose to flee from there. [hr] He could see the lights. He was watching them fixedly.