Taskmage Alexander Atreides was walking the corpses, an aura of strange energy following him as he walked from corpse to corpse, thin trails of energy seeming to drain from every corpse near him, the ones that seemed to resist the mage directed someone with a knife to, and they would find someone trying to hide the fact they yet lived, and that was quickly rectified. Alex was utilizing an old, usually frowned upon, form of Entropy magic to drain the dead of their remaining energy, replenishing the reserves he had spent during the fighting. He didn't tell the poor soldiers that, however, he merely pointed out that if the strands were not coming from a corpse, it was highly likely the body in question was not dead yet. Anyone familiar with entropy magic would no doubt recognize the spell though, no doubt the Templar and former Templar among their numbers would especially recognize the magic and be curious as to his knowledge and use of it. Not many Circle mages ever were fond of the spell. Using a spell for a use other than its original intention was all par for the course when it came to how the Apostate mage operated. Normally, he would not have been found dead, or alive, anywhere near any sort of Templar. They tended to not like him very much, on the grounds of something he had no control over being gifted with and making the best of it, but that was neither here nor there. The Tevinter would hopefully satiate the mage murder lust some of these Templar had, since he had no interest in having to deal with some mad Templar again. Those had never been fun encounters. But he would be keeping a close eye on his new Templar friends. One such Templar was on watch, cleaning her gear from the fighting, and he spared his own attire a brief glance to look for damage. The clear blue of his robes were unblemished, he had been quite a few paces away from any blood spilling that had been going on during the brief fighting. Good, Alex decided, blood was a pain to get out of clothing, especially when it stood out as glaringly as it would on his own attire. Alex had directed several people who had not been busy to go prepare to move the camp, and while he was not formally in the chain of command, younger folks sometimes listened to what the middle aged mage had to say, once in a blue moon. But he was now storing extra energy from the corpses he was draining, instead of replenishing, just in case he needed to drop [i]a lot[/i] of spells at once. Hopefully not, but with what they were doing, who knew?