[center][color=blue][h1]Ziander Wolfe[/h1][/color][/center] "Will you ever let that go, the wolf said he was sorry," Ziander replied with a slight chuckle. In the wolf's means of apologizing about the event Julie spoke about he had brought a heart from a kill. Of course smuggling an animal heart into the city wasn't easy but he had managed it without any mayhem coming out of it. He could imagine trying to explain why he was carrying an animal heart to a cop. "Plus I did you a favor anyways, you needed new clothes," he joked, "Or you could of walked around naked. Like you said I'm just a perverted wolf with two beautiful women." It was all in good fun and he would never harm either of them. For a brief few seconds it was quiet feeling as if things couldn't be better. Then Julie asked the question that shattered that dream. "Nah nothing yet," Ziander sighed ",My phone's been dead all day." Right when he said that though low and behold someone appeared. Enya began the talking when the man mentioned he had seen the ad in the paper. Now the wolf was on alert, wondering if the person before them was friend or foe, someone who would need to be driven away. Of course Ziander was willing to accept anyone and he shoved the wolf's feelings aside the best he could to not scare the person away by doing something stupid.