[b][i]Agni Blackheart & Cerberus[/i][/b] [color=92278f]"It's time."[/color], he said. Cerberus, using his own dark power, created a shield around him, Elza and Mithrail. [b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [url=http://youtu.be/TFA3N3TzWIU]Apocalypse in the Eyes of the Fallen[/url] [color=92278f]"[i][b]Extinction Syndrome!![/b][/i]"[/color], he declared as the magic circle that split the black sky broke into bits. Enormous pillars of black fire were raising from the broken ground. Pitch-black meteoros fell from sky alongside the purple beams. The air became more and more fiery and hands made of vengeful spirits and the deepest of nightmares walked in the ground, hoping to take hopeless people down to Jigoku and to the other levels of hell. Cerberus dissolved the shield and bowed to his master, which still floated in the air. Soon, two devil wings rose from his back as he grappled two scythes made of black fire.[color=a36209]"I bow and await your orders, my master Agni Blackheart, Devil Lord of Jigoku."[/color], the familiar said. Agni looked at the chaos, expecting the time for him to go as destruction incarnate.