The three clone Meruins stood still and kept chanting. The box that sought to close them in suddenly stopped as it touched the papers floating in the air. The papers were runes that carried the conceptual trait of 'Perpetuality' - although they were no longer useful as an offense and could not move around defensively, they still made excellen shields because they would never ever change no matter what the circumstance. Of course, their time was limited, but Meruin thought it would suffice for the given time. Meruin smiled. It seemed like Alex was aiming to trap her. It was far too late, however; in fact it was far, far too late for everyone. The real Meruin finalized her spell, and the town, which had previously been bathed in fire and destrcution due to various spells and explosions, suddenly cleared up. The rubble and ground were still destroyed, but the magma, fire, energy, everything leftover was gone. [i]Seven Colored Salient Compression![/i] Meruin's plan was simple in execution, but devilish in designT. he summoning of the Children served only one purpose: to get everyone to expel as much energy as possible. They had succeeded in doing this most marvelously, and compounded with the extra energy dispersed into the air due to other fights, the energy that was gathered was enormous - the full some of everyone's power! All the energy gathered and swirled less than four feet above Meruin, and it took the shape of seven swords, each one was made of the latent energy dispersed in the air compounded with Meruin's own power. More importantly, they carried two very unique aspects: One, they ignored all forms of defense, magical or physical. The only way to not get hurt by them was by dodging them completely. Two, the swords were just really, [i]really damn powerful[/i]. The floating swords began moving around, hovering in mid-air around Meruin, looking like a really deady impression of a flower. They cut through the Archimedes Box and followed Meruin as she began walking step-by-step towards Alex, her face now blank. [center][b][color=red]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: 18[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=blue]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: 52[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=green]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: [h3]8[/h3][/color][/b][/center]