Meruin glanced at the ground beneath her with a raised brow. It shot up fast . . . leaving her behind just less than five feet of the ground. The swords simply slipped under the small mage, forming a conic array beneath her - the ground that shot up got chopped to bits, and the only thing that went up was dirt. She landed with a light tap. The Archimedes Box shot projectiles at her, but she walked on, unmindful. One sword tore through three of them from the side, while a second one spun around her, breaking the rest. Nothing remained of them. The swords were not really swords. That was just the shape they took. All that really mattered in describing their true nature was that they were the compressed energies that everyone had released. The majority of their ability to ignore defense came from how complex they were - they tore through magic and physical object by literally overloading them with foreign concepts. The extra power behind them was part of an array of seals that kept them compressed. Meruin walked forward, getting closer to Alex, all the while beginning to mutter under her breath. [center][b][color=red]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: 12[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=blue]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: 48[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=yellow]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: 8[/color][/b][/center] [center][b][color=green]NUMBER OF POSTS UNTIL THE SPELL GOES OFF: [h3]2[/h3][/color][/b][/center]