[IMG=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/017/7/c/demi_lovato_gif__by_demoshal-d4mnup1.gif] Sophia Moriarti| 22| “Mess with me, I’ll chew you up and spit you right back out. Try me.” Appearance: Sophia has long, raven colored locks of hair that trails down to his mid back. She sometimes wears her either straight down or in a high ponytail. Her skin is a little bit tanned from being outside in the sun, hanging out with her friends and family. Her eyes are a chestnut brown colored and have a very round shape to them. Sophia stands at about five foot seven and weighing at one-hundred and twenty-five pounds. She may look small and fragile but she is as tough as they come. Family: She is a proud member of the Moriarti’s. Relation to Godfather: Daughter. Role in the Family: Handles all of the files and documents of the trades. She even keeps up on the tracking of the weapons and knows when they are arriving to their destination. She is also their cook, along with her mother. Bio: Growing up in a rather unusual household, Sophia knew that something wasn’t right about her own family. After all, she did someone get beat up in their own living room at the age of five. But as she was growing up, her parents finally told her the truth and she became interested at the moment she heard. Her parents were really shocked of her reaction but they eventually got over it as her mother showed her what the ladies do when the men were out on a job, talking in the living area and so forth. But when she was older, she asked her father for a real position in the family and she now keeps the documents of every trade, sell and buyer in a filing cabinet. Personality: Sophia is a calm person and usually stays to herself – Though if you rub her the wrong way, she can be the meanest bitch you’ll ever meet and then some. So it might be best to stay on her good side or suffer the consequences from her or worse, her family. Relationship: Sophia is currently single but has her eye on many potential suitors for her.