[hider=Appearance & Description] [CENTER][IMG]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/118/1/3/ramlethal_valentine_by_maxa_art-d7gbjtk.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]'It is pronounced 'Ikazuchi', not 'Kaminari'. Get them mixed up again, and I'll shove some fire up your.... Let's leave it at that.'[/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Description:[/B] A fairly tall woman, standing at a solid 1.80 m and with an undisclosed weight (She weights 62 kg, though), Zee is a woman who does not like wearing the usual clothes a Kumogakure ninja wears, and as so, she prefers wearing a black, short sleeved top, a plain black mini skirt with black, thigh high stockings and a pair of black bracelets around her wrists. She also seems to prefer going bare foot whenever she has the chance, but otherwise, she wears the usual ninja footwear. Her long white hair is usually kept a bit messy, but she, at the very least, makes sure none of it goes in front of her eyes, sometimes with a hairpin or otherwise. Her hair, though, is still surprisingly well cared of, despite appearances. She has a slim frame and often takes advantage of that during battles, however, she keeps her chest bound, due to it being a bit too big for her liking. As a result of this, she does not like going naked in front of others. She keeps her forehead protector tied to her right thigh.[/hider] [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Ikazuchi, Zee [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: Kaminari [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Female [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: 20 [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] Hetero for the most part, might be willing to change that in the future. [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Kumogakure, The Village Hidden In The Clouds. [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: Chuunin [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: [list] [*][IMG]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012120333/naruto/images/thumb/b/bf/Nature_Icon_Fire.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Fire.svg.png[/IMG] Fire Release [*][IMG]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012163149/naruto/images/thumb/7/7a/Nature_Icon_Wind.svg/18px-Nature_Icon_Wind.svg.png[/IMG] Wind Release [*]Scorch Release [/list] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: There's something about Zee that just doesn't make it seem right. Quiet and reserved most times, even to the point of seeming aloof and uninterested, is in reality a cover, a front if you will, for the actual person that she is inside. Zee has a mode in which she is quiet, analytical and aloof, where her eyes move back and forward, a mode that only activates in three kinds of situations. When meeting someone knew, when a battle is starting and when she is the assigned leader of a squad. She'll analyze everything and come up with six or so solutions for it, and she'll try to put them into action. Then, there's the other side to her personality, which makes the other one seem like a joke. Zee is able to follow the rules and commands of others, yes, but then again, she will bend the words of what is in them to do as she likes. A hotheaded person, even if she has a plan, she'll rush through it, and most of her plans include lots of dangerous steps and several all-or-nothing gambles. She loves fighting, and is always up for a good duel, but, and while her fuse isn't as short as many think it is, in fact, it is really hard to make her really mad, she still will stop any kind of pointless fights that would only stall people off and hurt people without need. A regulated, official duel, though, she won't hold anyone back, nor will she hold anything back, if the one fighting is her. A person who really cares about others, Zee cannot even let the idea of her teammates getting hurt pass by the minds of their enemies. She'd slice them up first before they can try to do something like that. She is often told that she is like a nagging old woman because of this, and even a paranoid at times. She makes sure everyone eats balanced diets and will supervise them in order to make sure they don't take anything poisonous while on the wilds. It sometimes can get annoying for people when she is like this, but she has confidence that they will, eventually, thank her. [hider=History] Hailing from a clan of highly regarded, though really odd clan of Kumogakure, the Ikazuchi family actually uses Scorch release instead of the usual Lightning release of the everyday Kumogakure ninja. Zee was actually one of the best out of the academy, and she barely even saw anyone catching up to her. She felt like a real ninja right off the bat. However, that same confidence made her conceited, and would soon lead to several events that she would regret later. Zee and her team were people that stuck together really closely, as their personalities, that at time was purely hotheaded for Zee, were really compatible and fitting for each other. A team of 2 men and the only woman being Zee, since their sensei and overseer was also a male. Zee, at some point, started feeling like the mother and perhaps, somewhat of a protector to the team, and she tried her best to fulfill that role. She trained like crazy to be stronger and stronger and so she could protect her teammates, even making their lunches for them everytime they set out. Soon, they became chuunin, all of them and the number of missions given to them went up even more, after they were declared the best team out of everyone else. One time, when they were tasked with the infiltration of a rival faction that opposed their country, they thought it was an easy, straightforward class. They never thought that they would be attacked and ambushed by their enemies. It was something quick and that left everyone dumbfounded. A flashthat blinded them, and the next thing they knew, their sensei was in the ground, lying there without moving even an inch. The teenagers, still confused as to what had happened, trying to wake up their teacher. No response came from him. Soon enough, they knew he had been killed during the confusion, and with several injuries in his back, there was no longer anyone could do. A funeral ensued, everyone attended. Zee was angry, she wanted to tear them apart, but she knew she couldn't do it alone. Unluckily, for her, not everyone in her squad thought the same. In fact, she was the only one who thought like that. Trying to sleep the night after was hard, so she went to visit one of her squadmates, only to find that he wasn't there. She hurried to the house of her other friend, to ask if he had seen the other one. And she found no one. The realization soon came upon her. No matter how good they were, they wouldn't be able to take on a rebel army all by themselves. She hurried over to the headquarters of the ninja force, to hurry them into movement. While they didn't pay her any heed at first, when she told them she was going to go herself and do something about it, they finally accepeted to help her. With a elite squad force, with her on the front lines after a lot of insisting, they arrived to see the enemy camp half ravaged. Two bodies lied in the center. Zee hurried over to where they were , only to find both of them half dead. Her squadmates. Hearing to their final words, even Zee couldn't hold back her tears. She was told that they dealt with half of them, an incredible feat for the two of them. Having only one thing else to do for her fallen comrades, Zee went on with what she had to do, along with the make-do squad they had put up for her. That night, the rebel forces were wiped out, with Zee taking most of the credit for that night. As a sign of how honorable and brave her teammates were, they were given the rank of Jounin, but not Zee. No, they say she was far too reckless to become a Jounin. She does not remember that night very well, but people say she went wild that night, and that she struck with the fury of a thunder upon her enemies, hence gaining her nickname, leaving things open for a lot of confusion afterwards. And now, she tries harder and harder, and has become more and more like a mother now. She is decided not to let others be killed again while they are her teammates.[/hider] [u][b]Other[/b][/u]: Her teammates mostly used weapons and as so, she now owns and keeps both weapons with her and uses them into her taijutsu techniques. They were given to her by her teammates, and allowed to keep them by their families. It seems one of them, the blade, is really famous, and she has been offered great sums of money in exchange for it. Her surname, Ikazuchi (霆) is written the same way as Kaminari (霆), though Ikazuchi is a more poetic way of reading the character. So, her nickname and other things as well make for a lot of confusion. ========================================= [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b]: [hider=Ame-no-Murakumo] [b]Description:[/b] Not the famous and legendary sword often depicted in Japanese history, but a sword passed down age by age by the Murakumo family that decided to name it like that in honor to the legend of the sword. It's scabbard is blue, as well as its handle. The blade is as long as Zee's back, so it is indeed fairly large. Zee usually carries it around on her back. The blade would have been passed down to the next heir, had it not been because the last one was killed. Zee is allowed to keep it for now, until a new heir is born and becomes a ninja. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Sword][img]http://cs322621.vk.me/v322621212/75e9/p645d4MYy6E.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [hider=Kin'iro Wakizashi] [b]Description:[/b] A wakizashi, a really small katana, of the Raigeki family. Not a family heirloom, but a gift for their first born son after he became a ninja. Given to Zee after his death. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=The Wakizashi][img]http://scarfamilyditdajow.com/images/TJW_EmperorWakizashi_Black.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [B]NOTE: SHE IS NO EXPERT AT HANDLING WEAPONS AND CANNOT USE BOTH AT ONCE, SHE CAN BARELY USE ONE EFFECTIVELY.[/B] ========================================= [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B]: [list] [*]Large chakra pool [*]Excellent chakra nature conversion [*]Swift movements [*]Really flexible [*]Her taijutsu takes full advantage of her flexibility [*]Can use three chakra natures, Fire, Wind and Scorch, that is a combination of the two others. [*]Terrible at genjutsu, and its effects, but in turn, she is really good with ninjutsu and taijutsu. [/list] [b][u]Kekkei Genkai[/u][/b]: The Ikazuchi family Kekkei Genkai allows them to use Scorch release, but nothing more. ========================================= [b][u]Jutsus[/u][/b]: [hider=Canon Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullets [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Offensive [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] Short to Mid range [b]Nature Type:[/b] Fire [b]Description:[/b] The user kneads their chakra into flames, which are then manipulated into a genuine-looking dragon. Since the art of having the flames obey the user's will is outrageously difficult, its mastery is restricted to a limited number of skilful shinobi. The flames are divided to launch a left side, right side, and frontal assault in all three directions at once, turning the enemy into ash in a matter of seconds. [b]Weakness:[/b] The range is mostly short, compared to other techniques. It takes great effort to cast this jutsu, both in chakra and mentally. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Fire Release: Running Flame [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Mid range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire [B]Description:[/B] This technique creates a stream of fire that can be manipulated into several forms (so far, rings of fire that runs on the ground or a circle of fire flying through the air) before striking the target. Some Wind Release techniques can power this attack up. [B]Weakness:[/B] Despite being classified as an offensive jutsu, it cannot damage that much. It is better to use it as a way to stall people. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Wind Release: Divine Wind. [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Supplementary [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Short to Mid range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Wind [B]Description:[/B] The user releases a gust of wind that forms several small tornadoes. Combined with Fire Release: Running Fire that forms a circle on ground level, this creates a massive flaming hurricane. [B]Weakness:[/B] Not really designed to be used alone, as it may only disorient others, but its destructive force isn't that much of a thing. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Cloud Style Flame Beheading [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Short to Mid Range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire [B]Description:[/B] The user first imbues their blade with fire, before slashing in the direction of the desired enemy, resulting in the creation of large arcs of intense flame that follow the trajectory of the previous swing. [B]Weakness:[/B] Without a sword, this attack is pretty much unusable. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Wind Release: Pressure Damage [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] B [B]Range:[/B] Mid Range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Wind [B]Description:[/B] This tornado-like mass is compressed until it has a very high density and is then released. The wind pressure is raised to its highest limit, and once the technique hits the target, the resulting blast sweeps everyone off their feet. [B]Weakness:[/B] It isn't an attack per se, but more to sweep the enemy off their feet. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Wind Release: Air Bullets [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] C [B]Range:[/B] Long [B]Nature Type:[/B] Wind [B]Description:[/B] This technique shoots multiple bullets of air at the victim with intense speed. The bullets also have great power, enough to subdue a whole group of shinobi. [B]Weakness:[/B] It has great attack power, yes, but it only works to knock people out, not to actually kill them. The shinobis that are knocked out in one burst, though, are surely pretty weak as well, as high level ninjas will only stagger. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Scorch Release: Extremely Steaming Murder [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Short range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Scorch Release [B]Description:[/B] The user creates several flaming orbs that resemble small suns. These orbs rotate around the user and can be freely controlled to attack enemies. When an orb touches an opponent, it apparently evaporates all the water inside their body. When this happens, steam can be seen emitting from the opponent's body and leaves a horrible burn in their skin. However, this technique is vulnerable to Water Release, which can be used to dissipate the heat, becoming steam. [B]Weakness:[/B] It doesn't have a really long range. It is weak to water release attacks. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Scorch Release: Incinerating Flare Technique [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Offensive [B]Rank:[/B] A [B]Range:[/B] Mid range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Scorch [B]Description:[/B] Zee combines several of her flaming orbs to create a single massive one, which then violently explodes with enough force and power to incinerate a large area around it. When this happens, steam can be seen emitting from the area. [B]Weakness:[/B] Zee forcefully needs to bring together all of the orbs she created before, leaving her without much chakra for a while due to using two high ranking techniques consecutively. [/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Raging Fire Blooming Lotus [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Nintaijutsu, Offensive [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Short [b]Nature Type:[/b] Fire [b]Description:[/b] Zee surrounds her arms and legs with fire and then proceeds on to attack her opponent with raging flames. She starts with a direct hit to the chin with her open palm, making her opponent raise into the air. She jumps to match their new height and then starts kicking their body with grace while skillfuly using her opponent's body to also keep herself in the air as well. After a long punishment with her legs, she ends up everything with a quick roll in the air and striking with her elbow on the back of her opponent's head, sending them back to the ground and her landing on top of them. [b]Weakness:[/b] Only a short range attack. The flames on her legs and arms also hurt her, hence, she needs to be quick when trying to finish someone up with this jutsu. [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Wind Release: Wind Talon [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu, Supplementary [B]Rank:[/B] C [B]Range:[/B] Depending on the chakra she spends, this jutsu can reach even long range. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Wind [B]Description:[/B] A really simple technique. It only lets Zee dash forward at a tremendous speed once, before having to cast it again. It is excellent for when she needs to get into close range in a quick way, though not as fast as some other jutsus used for this same purpose. This, however, provides for high speed attacks that can make twice the damage they would normally do, due to the momentum she gains. [B]Weakness:[/B] While not something hard to control, it is a fact that she cannot stop once she casts this jutsu, until she hits someone OR something. [/hider]