[h2]"Get up!"[/h2] The red head shouted. Iris stopped wailing on Len. She looked over her shoulder to see that the woman had stolen Len’s crossbow and had it pointed right at her. Getting one last slap across his face, Iris stood up and slowly turned around. Perhaps this woman wasn’t as friendly as Iris had hoped. [i]”Alright, alright.”[/i] she spoke quietly, her palms outward as she begged for a sense of mercy. The sky was becoming grey quickly out of no where. Spring usually had such sporadic weather that it was no surprise at all for one moment for the sun to be shining and the next- a downpour. Iris glanced up at the sky and then back at the woman, [i]”Them earthworms love the rain, I suggest we get out of here soon. “[/i] Iris nodded, looking down at Len before she started gathering some of their packs. The woman still had their cross bow - but when it came to the Langue’s.. that was the least of their problems. As thunder and lightning erupted in the sky a loud voice came rumbling from behind the red headed woman: “I hope your fucking day has been better than mine.” he called, and continued speaking loudly at them, but Iris ignored most of it. [i]”Just great..”[/i] she groaned, kicking Len’s leg with the toe of her boot, [i]”Crazy people are a coming! Let’s get the fuck out of here!”[/i] she whispered to him harshly, hoping he’d kick it into high gear and they could find someplace high off the ground while the rain past. Len was taken completely by surprise at Iris’ sudden attacks--so much so, that despite the fact he outweighed her by quite a bit, she was still able to easily take him down. He was just about to attempt to reverse the situation, her slaps across his face not really phasing him too much, when an icy chill ran down his spine at the bitch red-heads word’s. [i]Well I’ll be an ass in heat, [/i] he thought as he heard the woman tell them to get up. His suspicions were confirmed when he gazed beside Iris, seeing the woman holding his own damn crossbow. [i]Son of a bitch, [/i] he thought bitterly. Letting out an audible sigh, he glared up at Iris, but she was already standing to her feet. He looked from Iris to the redhead, and noted how hesitantly, how...strangely she held the weapon. It was as if she’d had zero experience with one. Thinking he could use that to his advantage, he was shocked from his train of thought, as Iris kicked him in the leg. He blinked, listening as she told him crazy people were on the way. Just when he thought things couldn’t get any worse, he realized for the first time that it was starting to storm. He’d been so lost in anger and...thoughts of revenge against the red head, that he hadn’t noticed the giant drops of rain that began to speckle the ground. Shaking his head, Len jumped to his feet--but instead of helping Iris take up their packs, he stepped towards the Red Head. He glared menacingly at her, cracking his knuckles, yet strategically placing himself between his crossbow and Iris. He wasn’t about to let *anyone* take Iris from him. She was the last family he had left. He’d never let her know this, but he was terrified that the langue would one day take her...or someone like this damn...intruder, would kill her. This woman, aiming his own weapon at Iris, hit a chord deep within him, striking a fuse that would not easily be put out. [b] “Now you listen good, Cupcake,”[/b] he snarled, suddenly dead serious, color draining from his face as rage began to overtake him. [b] “Lookit’ you. Can’t even hold the damn weapon right. You got 5 bolts right there on that weapon, sure. An’ only two of us. But how fast you think you can reload that bitch? I’m thinkin’ you *might* manage to pop one bolt in there in say...7 seconds, and that’s bein’ mighty generous, given you’ve clearly never touched one of those before. Now yeah, you might manage to shoot a bolt through my sis over yonder, but then what? How fast ya think I can get to ya? Long ‘fore you reload my crossbow, I guaren-damn-tee.” [/b] He took another menacing step forward, not caring about the threat of Langue. Not at this time, at any rate. [b] “Nobody, and I mean [i]nobody[/i] threaten’s Iris. You can either drop that crossbow, or shoot one of us and get yer damn heart torn out and fuckin’ fed to your bleeding corpse. I’ll let you decide. We can settle this like...civil folk...or you can lie dyin’ in the mud.” [/b] Len shrugged, folding his arms over his chest, his hair dripping as the rain began to pour down upon the little group. Iris shook her head, her burgandy mane of hair plastered to her cheeks. She wouldn’t admit it but the rain was getting her mighty nervous, and she wanted to make sure they were high off the ground from those damn monsters. Hoisting both Len and Iris’ packs onto her back she kicked dirt onto the fire to put it out completely, trying to cover the scent and smoke that they had been there recently. [i]Come on Len, we gotta get!”[/i] Iris pleaded, her dark almond eyes staring intently between him, and the red head next to them. With her gaze on the red head she spoke very seriously, [i]”You are either with or against us. The langue will be popping from the ground and we ain’t going to be here to see it.”[/i] she pushed past the woman with her shoulder, making it clear that she meant business. Tense and ready for a fight as he was, the look of fury upon his face, the fire in his eyes, melted away as Iris pleaded with him to get out of there. The storm, the rain...the Langue would soon be here, and he knew Iris wouldn’t leave if he stayed here. He’d be putting her in far more danger than the redhead with his crossbow. Shoulders slumping slightly at this realization, he threw a soft glance towards Iris. [b] “....Alright. Yer right...we gotta git…” [/b] Closing his eyes for a moment, he turned back to the red-head, as he heard Iris tell her she was either with them or against them. Boldly reaching down and grabbing his Colt AR-15 from in front of the fire, he shot a glare at the woman. [b] “Keep the goddamn crossbow. Ya might be needin’ it, for all the good it’ll do ya against the Langue. If I was you, I’d prolly get movin,’ but I’m supposin’ you gotta make that choice for yerself. Either way, we’re walkin’ outta here. You wanna shoot us in the back on our way out, that’s on you.”[/b] Following Iris, he pushed passed the woman, purposely jostling her with his shoulder. He noted a man not too far away, but he didn’t really give a crap. Getting away from this spot took precedence over these people right now. Taking off towards some structures, the rain began coming down a little harder.