[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/5d/4f/96/5d4f968df87c57d35e674cebcf406bf4.jpg[/img] Name: Ra Marie Element: Radium Age: 15 Gender: Female Powers: Illusion ((Radium was used in paint in the past)) Weapons: [url=http://s604.photobucket.com/user/namine199/media/sword_designs_by_Wen_M.jpg.html]Swords[/url] Backstory: Ra was born into a bad family. She was the youngest child, with an older brother. Her brother was years older than her and was almost always at a friend's house. However it was too late that Ra learned why. Her parents weren't the nice people that Ra had thought them to be. Her mother was hooked on drugs and drank a lot. Her father was abusive. Abusing both Ra and her mother. Ra's brother had been taken in by their aunt when Ra was five. But, by that time it was too late for Ra to escape. She learned to steady herself, to be strong. At school she was silent and never told of her family. So Ra and her brother led two completely separate lives. But when Ra turned ten she accidentally caused the deaths of her parents. It had been then that Ra had awakened her parents and accidentally caused both of the mto die of fright.