After the Hall returns to the normal calmness Jay heads over to the house table, a smile plastered on his face as he walks. As he walks Jason thinks over his summer in San Francisco, with his sister and brother the summer had been boring other then a girl he had met. Slowly his mind drifted back to his summer. "Yup a good summer" he muttered softly as he headed to where he saw Devin. Finally Jay finds a seat next to Devin and as he sits down he pats him on the shoulder “Que pasa mi amigo?” He asks with a smile as he sits “What have you been up to this summer huh?” Jason looks at his friend curious to what he has been up to. "You go back home or what?" Greeting his best friend with their signature handshake as Jay sat down. The two school chums started talking about their summer. Something they have neglected when they saw each other on the train. "Naw I ended up spending most of my summer with my family in New Zealand." Devin had spent the better part of the summer spending it with his mother and her family while she traveled to several rural vet clinics. The whole family made a trip of it as Devin's dad could work remotely. During the trip Devin spent most of his time getting into rugby and flirting with girls who made fun of his accent. "How was the Bay area? That smile seems bigger than your normal return to school smile... That is a smile about a girl. Alright enough of my boring stuff details or it didn't happen!" Jay Smiled as sighed " Met a girl named Mia, I was working a muggle job with Rob, he hooked me up doing some work with moms new guy at his store unloading his electronics and whatever." He said with shy chuckle " hijole!... muy bonita." he says chuckling as he rubs his arm " she was different then the other girls ya know? she was real she had my back...You wouldn't believe the stuff she stood by me for... almost didn't wanna come back...almost" he says smiling at the very end "But how could I leave my Homies all alone without me!" he says laughing " you ready for the Quidditch season?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]Devin was happy to hear the summer had treated his friend so well. Through all the silly stuff the two had been through Devin didn't know anyone who deserved to have a win in the relationship bracket more than Jay. The guy was good as good can be in a person and shared that with everyone he met. "My man found himself some fancy." the Griffindor laughed with his friends who nodded in agreement. When the question shifted from girls to sports the excitement stayed high. "I think the real question is if the rest of the school is ready for us. I was watching some of the rugby games while I was down south. Got some new systems I think we can work into our game plans." Jay chuckled “Can’t wait to get out there and try them out.” Jay says smiling brightly “You have no idea how bad I wanted to practice over the summer…Muggle life while good is kinda sucky cause here we got magic..” He says as he leans back slightly “ as he watched Luc “Ay Bud! What you got there?” he asks Luc as looks at something an owl dropped “look like you got your first kiss over there or something.” He said jokingly (with approval of World traveler)