[@BranchOfSin] "Oh joy, dark powers." Ryan didn't even bother moving out of the way as the sword hit the armor. It was when the armor crumbled slightly that he moved. Ryan shook his head at the stupidity that was being displayed. He was completely relying on this Energetic Pressure for defense. 'How shall he fair against Death? Let's find out.' He concentrated and released his full power. You could now see a visible multicolored aura around Ryan as he showed his full strength. "This is getting boring. Grimoire Deactivate. Grimoire Spell: The Death." An skeletal figure appeared around Ryan and grabbed at Deus. The Energetic Pressure would fail to stop it and if he was touched then he would start rapidly aging. " If you're curious about the aura, it's not just my aura. It's other people's as well. Or at least it was."