“No I don’t wanna kill anybody.” David shook his head at the three ladies. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry I won’t throw stuff again!” He'd messed up bad......shouldn't of done that, Junior was totally wrong. David looked at Remliel. "I'm sorry I throw the bus short angry leprechaun woman, I promise not to throw stuff unless I'm told again and I won't steal your lucky charms." David blinked at Hikaru several times, uh oh.....Junior was making not so nice dog growls at her. He barred his teeth at her. "Shut up you stupid cow!" He snapped at her. "Or I'll show you what a real schizo looks like when I split your fucking brain with my teeth." David coughed after lashing out viciously at the girl who'd insulted him. He made a disgusted face. "Sorry about that." He apologized. "Junior's got a harsh sense of humor but he was just joking with you."