Marcus woke up. He....was in a dark room a really dark room. Across from him sat a figure that had femine shape to it. [Color=Pink] "Welcome back." [/color] She said smiling devilish. "Oh its you again..." Marcus attempt to say but was interrupted by the girl. [Color=pink] "Your gonna die." [/color] She lied to him. Marcus was still wearing his gauntlet so death would obviously be impossible. But Marcus didn't know that. [Color=pink] "This time I'm gonna be blunt. There's two choices you have. Death or grab a hold of my hand and you'll be granted enough energy to get your revenge on the person that nearly killed you." [/color] What she didn't say was if Marcus took a hold of her hand he'd be taken over by madness and be left in a psychotic like state. "But...." He tried to talk again but was quickly interrupted by the girls spontaneous deep voice. [Color=black] "No!" [/color] She shouted her demonic like voiced echoed in the almost completely dark room. Marcus nods and grabs her hand causing the room to become darker and darker until it was impossible to see. Outside of Marcus' body a powerful beam of light shot out of him piercing the sky. The beam flatted the near by land destroying a great amount of wild life and trees. Marcus eyes opened revealing his now lifeless black eyes. He rised to his feet as if he was a zombie. Black electricity like charges danced around his body. He looks up at the sky and sighs heavily. [Color=black] " The negative energy.....its...everywhere." [/color] Almost instantly Marcus located another source that was giving off a respectable amount of negative energy. Marcus took one step and vanished. He reappeared standing in mid-air watching the battle between Deus and Ryan. [Color=black] "Deus....." [/color] Then a not so respectable energy peeked Marcus' intreast. He turned his head and starred at Meruin. The more he looked at her the more......unsatisfied he felt. Marcus opened his palm towards Meruin and a massive ball of negative energy began to form. He released it towards Meruin saying [Color=black] "Good is bad.......bad is good." [/color] The massive ball darted at Meruin at an incredible speed. Applied to the ball was a great amount of nullification. So if Meruin dodged the ball a powerful wave of nullifying energy would impload next to her canceling out magic in its blast radius.