gonna add the major antagonist here Name: Mahmoud Nobakht Element: Phosphorus Age: 32 Gender: Male Appearance: Mahmoud is a short yet very slender man with Black hair and green eyes. His dark brown skin is rough and dry with years of a tough lifestyle. However, Mahmoud is always dressed in fine vestments, eagerly flaunting his wealth and power. Powers: Mahmoud is able to generate extrememly hot fires though rough friction with his skin. These flames can easily burn though flesh and bone, and incinerate most walls and barriers that get in the way. These flames are expetionally bright as well, and the fumes produced can lead to poisoning and flesh necrosis when exposed for extended time. Weapons: Mahmoud has no need for weapons, but he does keep a rough file to help get the friction to start fires. Backstory: Mahmoud Nobakht was born a lowely peasant in a povery stricken village in Afghanistan. Around the time he was 7, his father got an oppourtunity to emmigrate to nearby Iran, and so they did. During his time as a child, Mahmoud was known as a violent, agressive child. No matter how much he was scoulded or punished, Mahmoud made no progress. The people of his town often called him a devil child. When the teenage years came around, Mahmoud was shipped off, far from Iran to live with relatives in Russia. It was for the better, lest he be killed for his behavior at home. In his early adulthood, Mahmoud was little more than a common thug, working as a simple grunt in a semithreatening gang in the city of Moscow. It seemed that Mahmoud would be little more than a street thug for the rest of his life; his family giving up on him as soon as 18 rolled around, but then something happened. In an argument with a higher up gang member, Mahmoud took a swing at his adversary, his fist catching onto the worn, scratchy jacket and bursting into flames. As the man burned to Ash and bone, Mahmoud took this oppourtunity to assert his position of authority over the group. Now in control, with the power of Fire under his control, Mahmoud was able to crush all opposition before him, and establish a fortune and an empire of crime. Still, he realizes that there must be more like him, and so, Mahmoud uses his influence and power to seek out other elementals to join him.