[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d8/2f/93/d82f937be7e7905f329f9dcd2c7479a2.jpg[/img] Name: Fa Marie Element: Francium Age: 21 Gender: Male Power: Explosions! Weapons: --- Backstory: Having managed to be be born before his parents took a turn for the worse, Fa's early years were relatively normal. His younger sister was born when he was six. After Ra's birth Fa started to spend more time away from home. He had noticed that his parents were becoming stranger. When he was eleven his aunt took him in so that he wouldn't suffer because of his parents. He was sad that he would have to leave his sister behind, but he was glad he could escape, not knowing the life that Ra went through as a result of his absence.