[center][B]The Lock-Heart Guild[/B][/center] "They flocked, like scavenger birds to the corpse.. they foolishly flocked to the trap. Now they sit as caged birds, squaking at that bars that hold them, falling to the bottom of the pit as they are killed off. Day in and day out, too many fall prey, too many fall oblivious, and too many fall susceptible. This world is a masterpiece, but it is a masterpiece of a Maniac's mind. It is a serial killer's puzzle, a Hunter's Query... Luckily... Some of us are the Hunters!" - Rorik of Shorestead. Kayaba, a man of great intellect, built the first completely VR MMO. This game, named Sword Art Online, would feature ground-breaking technology and the first of a line of games that would break the hold of the gaming world's console limits. This release was monumental and people lined for days to buy it, approximately ten thousand people bought the game and logged into it, but upon their arrival, the game was not as it had been made out to be. The world was closed, no one could log out, the faces of thousands lined the first floor's extravagant city as figure appeared over head and spoke to them all. It spoke of completing the game, and how no one could leave less they survive all one hundred floor. This figure instructed them of one important factor, death in the game resulted in death outside of it as well. This brought horror to the thousands, anger to the thousands, and sheer destruction to the rest. Nearly the first thousand were claimed by suicide alone. The time between the beginning, and the instance in which our story begins, is a time in which much happens. It within itself is a tale, one that shall be told, but first, you should know what happens before it is told. --- Ok, to begin with this, I will give you information on some very important things! As the Plot is simple, survive, thrive, and try not to dive. The story will be player driven, moving through quest, exploring the maps, aiding in NPC affairs, or events myself as the Gm will make available, it will be an Rp based on experiencing the world, while still striving for an End-Game goal. [Hider= The Lock-Heart Guild] The Lock-Heart Guild is a very unique Guild, it is technically the only guild who knows of the "Locked-Hearts." They seem to know the most about them, and in many cases are truly the only ones to know about them. This Guild is fairly small, close knit, and communicate more clearly than most guilds. They were formed by a small party of Beta-Testers during the release of the Beta. These players grouped together, stumbled upon the aspect of a hidden Item, and upon further exploration and playing, they discovereda few more. They dedicated themselves to finding thee items in the Beta as a way to show skill, to have grand powers, and to be unique in the quest as a player. Each striving for a different goal, each with a different play-style, and each with a different view on things. These core Guild Founders, are the reason the Guild still stands in this nightmare of a Game. Once the full game was released, and these now friends, retook their mantle as a Guild, discovered the dreadful fact of the game Life-or-death toll, and now they seek the same thing as before.. the Locked-Hearts.[/hider] [Hider= Locked-Hearts/Info]Locked-Hearts are indescribably rare item. They are hidden away in the farthest reaches of the Floors, behind massive traps, puzzles, Bosses, secret quests, and all manner of rarities. These items have a truly unique function within the game. These item give grand abilities unparalleled by the Skill system, but they also function with a unique factor in how they give these abilities. Locked-Hearts feature a general classification on what they would affect. However, they will never affect two players the same way, even if they are within the same type of classification, this is due to the fact that the Hearts utilize a very special form of code-command which allows them to access the neural link of the game and player, to create an ability that is uniquely fitting to that specific Player. The General Classification are as listed. Weapon/Power Weapon/Speed Weapon/Utility Beast(These are among the rarest of them all, having uncovered only a couple so far.) Utility These classifications affect the player directly, whether it be his weapon skills, or his/her-self directly with a brand new skill. (*Sub-Note/Explanation Note: These Hearts will essentially affect players in a way that gives them the "Special Skills" from the Manga/Anime, such as Kirito's Dual-Wield, or Heathcliff's Divine Blade. However some will be a further extention and truly different altogether, for example the one I will be using.[/Hider] [Hider= Locked-Hearts/List] This List is of existing Hearts made before the Roleplay's Beginning, and will be added to as more are made during it. Locked-Heart: Beast-[Rorik of Shorestead/ Ability Effect-[Hunter's True Nature/ -((Used by: ManoftheNorth/Rorik of Shorestead.)) Locked-Heart: Locked-Heart:[/Hider] [B] NOTE: NO LOCKED-HEARTS ARE TO BE MADE, AND USED, WITHOUT FIRST BRINGING IT'S CONCEPT TO ME AND GETTING APPROVAL.[/B] [Hider= Guilds]This is a Posted list of Guilds, and whether they are recruiting or not, this Message board is posted in all towns, to allows players easy access to this knowledge. Guild- Hallowed Hands-[ The Hallowed Hands are a more "religious" group if you were to classify them. They have a great faith in a higher power, it is both unnamed and unspecified, used purely for it's effect of giving strength, hope, and determination through Faith and belief. These players not only use this to try and motivate people to take shelter if they cannot fight, and for those who can to aid the frontlines, but they also have seemingly sub-consciously taken up the mantle in a gaming aspect. They subconsciously appear and have made themselves seem like Paladins, Wardens, Preists, and any form of class who might bring justice, righteous power, and Hope to the battlefield as a weapon. Guild- Laughing Coffins((Let's face it, no SAO Rp is a SAO Rp without these PK'ers.))-[ The Laughing Coffins earn nothing the old-fashioned way, unless the old-fashioned way was designed by the Mafia and a Serial Killer. They murder those who stand in there way, they seek out those players who have achieved large statuses, they find those who have great gear, and they slaughter them. They end the life of a person based on their gaming aspect. They lay down the whisper of death over those who have things they want, or have stepped where they shouldn't, and these men and women, are the scum of the Game, and the world. Guild- Silver-quake Minute Men-[ ((WIP)) Guild- Hunter's Guild-[ ((WIP)) [/hider] [Hider= Beeters/Beta Testers] Beta Testers are fairly simple to explain, my fellow Players. These men, women, and children were able to play the Beta of Sword Art Online, they got the first experience, and they with-held this information! They kept this game's vile secrets from us! They lied to us all! They are pathetic, terrible, people!((Note, this both gives info as to how players view the Beeters, and as to how Beeters will deal with an issue inside the game.))[/hider] [Hider= Beast Tamers]((WIP For now, I don't want more than TWO Beast Tamers, and I am claiming one spot, unfortunately.))[/Hider] [Hider= Skills] These Skills, will save your lives! These skills are simple to understand, impossible to master. Here is the list. Weapon Skills: -One Handed --Short Blade --Long Blade --Dagger --Curved Blade --Axe --Heavy Blade --Spear/Lance --Mace --Hammer -Two Handed --Axe --Sword --Mace --Hammer --Spear --Lance --Pike --Adverse Polearms -Shields --Bucklers --Kite Shields --Round Shields --Heavy Shields --Tower Shields Utility Skills: *-Tracking -Stealth -Listening *-Night Vision -Acrobatics -Equipment Appraisal -Searching -Pick Lock -Musical Instrument -Hiding -Trap Dismantling Crafting Skills: -Metal Working -Leather Working -Metal Forging -Hunting -Fishing -Smelting -Weapon Crafting -Light Armor Crafting -Medium Armor Crafting -Heavy Armor Crafting -Shield Crafting -Trophy Crafting -Misc Crafting -Metal Refining -Medicine Mixing -Gathering -Sewing Attribute Skills: -Strength -Speed -Intelligence -Endurance -Will -Charisma [/Hider] [Hider= Cs skeleton] Name:(Real Name) Screenname:(Player's In-Game, Visible Name.) Sex: Age: Appearance: (Picture or Description, both are fine, but make it plenty detailed.) Appearance/Other:(In case there is anything extra a picture doesn't show, or that you want to add outside of the general appearance.) Bio: (You can make it as long as you want, but not a lot is possible, as we will be starting on only Floor 30.) Equipment:(Weapons & Armor.) Items:(Consumables, Tools, Craft Kits, Crystals, Etc.) Skills: (2 weapon Skills & 1 shield Skill OR 3 Weapon Skills without a Shield Skill. Note, the more weapon skills you have, the lesser each one will be to make them all balanced. Everyone gets the Utility Skills, BUT not everyone will share the same values for them, as not everyone will focus on the same ones. Finally, 4 Crafting Skills. Everyone also gets all of the Attribute Skills, but again not everyone will share the same values, as not every character will focus on the same ones. The only Skills you will put a number to, is the Attribute Skills.) -Strength-[0/10) -Speed-[0/10] -Intelligence-[0/10] -Endurance-[0/10] -Will-[0/10] -Charisma-[0/10] [B]*Note: The 1-10 Value system is not a direct, actual value, it is a representative value. This is merely so we Roleplayers can show how our Character will be physically in the game. You are given 35 points to spend, to give a representation of your Character's Game Attribute Skills.[/B][/hider] [Hider= Interest Check Info]The Lock-Heart Chapter is a alternative story to the world of Sword Art Online story where instead of the actions of Kirito and the standard story line, we will follow the game from floor 30 to the End. This being either all 100 floors, or some possible other occurrence that may end the Game for everyone, good OR bad. The Lock-Heart Chapter is named such due to the involvement of the "Lock-Heart Guild." This Guild will be an important part of the Rp and a very important functioning aspect of the Rp's progression. This Rp will follow a group of gathered players who may, or may not necessarily, get along enough to form a long-standing Raid Party to move through the game. They will be apart of this Lock-Heart Guild. The Rp will not be clandestine to follow a specific in-game pace, meaning no one is forced to have their character be grinding floor after floor as fast as possible. Everyone's character is welcome to their own sense of urgency to move through the game, and everyone is open to many different kind's of characters, just please.. No Power-tripping fourteen year old cliches, and no Soulless Badasses, or any of the bad stereotypes. A major, creator-made function for this Rp is that the universe has one distinct difference. The Locked-Hearts. These items are extremely rare Items located in hidden, secret, or quest-unlocked Dungeons scattered across each massive floor, guarded by an unbelievable challenge, and poised as an Item that most would consider "OP or over-powered." These items are the founding concept of the "Lock-Heart Guild" and it's founding Members reasons for the Guild. These items will be regulated both In-Rp and OOC by myself and any Co-Gms I may or may not take on.[/hider]