[center][img]http://ikilote.net/Galeries/News/Anime/AR/Noragami_-_ep01_157.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]"Here comes THE D!"[/i][/center] [center][h1]Disc O. Baylor[/h1][/center] [center]Nicknames: Disco Bael; Mr. D; Home Boylor[/center] [center]Age: 19[/center] [center]Male [u][h2]Powers[/h2][/u] Light and Sound Manipulation: Disc can manipulate the color of lights around him, along with the strength of his voice and music at abnormal levels. The Ball: Disc can summon a disco ball that seemingly hangs out of an interdimensional pocket that appears slightly above him. This disco ball likes to shoot around lights sent towards it like any other disco ball would. Feel free to toss in rainbows once this things pops up. [u][h2]Skills[/h2][/u] Get Baellin’: Disc takes out a boombox, putting on the ground, before dancing his heart out. During this time, Disc will perform a plethora of showy, heart-filled dance moves. Groove Maniac: Disc can jam out to [i]absolutely any given song.[/i] This includes even the most incoherent of melodies. Bassmatazz: Disc can create auditory “bass” illusions; this means that he can affect the strength of certain beats, allowing him to perform identical dances with others using a completely different power behind his steps. Boxing: Disc knows how to boxercise. Though his specialty is obviously not combat, Disc enjoys working out with this particular exercise and somehow made his own self-defense mechanism out of it. [u][h2]Hobbies[/h2][/u] [b]Dancing, listening to other kinds of music, boxercise, parodying old plays by “remixing” it, Minesweeper[/b] [u][h2]Personality[/h2][/u] Lights. Camera. Action. Disc holds one of [i]the most[/i] annoying personalities to those who are not particularly in the mood to dance. Boasting an innocence that surpasses human understanding when it comes to dancing, Disc enjoys to watch others dance, and feels satisfaction from praises directed towards his performances. Bubbly, talkative, and extremely music-oriented, Disc also holds a soft spot in helping shy people chill their poor bones out, though he usually found himself getting smacked into the floor in the most fabulous way possible. Self-confidence oozes out of him, as his number one reason for doing things some people cannot understand is “I am fabulous.” [u][h2]Background[/h2][/u] Disc never lived a normal life before, and he did not care about this at all! There were some dudes who challenged him into dance-offs, and though Disc himself did not know how it felt natural to challenge someone into a dance battle, he accepted and won every single one of such matches. Some people wanted to hire him, though he did not find most of such places to be good places to happily dance off to his disco music in. His parents, while dead, managed to leave behind a great amount of wealth. As the inheritor of the money, Disc gave away a fair amount of it to several orphanages, hoping to contribute a little to the children who no longer had any parents. Other than the fact that his parents no longer breathed with the beats of life, Disco lived happily. He somehow wandered into the Orean Cause and decided to become a student there. Fortunately for him, he did not need to go back to elementary school or anything, for he somehow knew his own portion of high school education. [h2][u]Additional Appearances[/u][/h2] [hider=1][img]http://cdn.i.ntere.st/p/9210322/image[/img][/hider] [hider=2][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/37100000/Yato-noragami-yato-37115792-500-287.png[/img][/hider] [h2][u]Theme Songs[/u][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHIV8MMDf4w]My Childhood Dream (Disco Bael's World Tour Debut)[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjxzFNf7gdw]Disco Inferno[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWhO1--Ag-M]Battle Theme[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziN7Y1M1v8s]Uptown Funk[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUnnHyoq2Dg]Curry[/url] [/center]