[s][quote=@TwilightDragon] Dunno what those classes are, though. Not familiar with them. :/ [/quote] Cliff notes, Avenger was an experiment that became a huge mistake that was felt for wars yet to come. Ruler was the Grail summoning a spirit to protect itself, so it doesn't have a master nor do they want the grail. The qualification for Avenger escape me, but the Ruler class is the pinnacle of selflessness, the cannon(?) example is Jeanne d'Arc, so religious devotion might be a factor, or impressive blind faith. We can throw Ruler in their, but that is a huge grey area with a lot of liberties. All I can think of for Avenger (if it doesn't break the grail) is a strong desire to acquire the grail, for revenge or destruction.[/s] Walk away from the computer for 10 min and everything happens. I think we are still good on masters, 7 currently if no one else dropped out that I am unaware of.