WIP - k [b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Nathaniel (called him Nathan through out the character sheet as a shorting of his name) Moyasu [i][u]Nickname/Alias[/u][/i]: The Tamer [b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Male [b][u]Age[/u][/b]: 19 [i][u]Sexuality:[/u][/i] Heterosexual [b][u]Village[/u][/b]: Kumogakure (Village hidden by the clouds [b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: Chunnin [b][u]Chakra Nature[/u][/b]: Earth, (although he is also attempting practice with the element of Wind (with marginal success meaning he can use low level techniques but they drain him more due to his control over them being less then par)) [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20091012162502/naruto/images/5/52/Nature_Icon_Earth.svg[/img] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: [hider=][img]https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-H613ckAs5Is/VGbDl-EEQ1I/AAAAAAAAEsw/UIze9ms1jaM/w382-h1022/Shizaku_%2528Jonin%2529%2B%25282%2529.png[/img][/hider] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: well theirs also the introvert and Nathan is one of them, he doesn't really responded much to order's given to him but will carry them out to the best of his capability's while in general meetings or in the company with other's this is where the introverted part of his personality come's out but alone or incredibly determined his old personality reveals itself, this personality is one that will not hesitate to punch you in the face if you so as dare insult someone he has respect for but this personality trait is quite rare in its reveal that you might think hes a totally different persona. this personality is also incredibly eager to fight. and is less caring about the drawbacks of chakra overuse... [u][b]History[/b][/u]: "He's just a kid what do you plan on doing with our son Yurn?" Nathans mother asked his father, they had just moved a few year back to Kumogakure yet Nathanial's father had big plans for his son "I am going to make him grow up, Kaji, you have spoiled the boy to much he's gone soft" Yurn said in retort, So Nathanial sitting outside messing with blocks of wood trying to built a small tower out of them was pulled up to his feet, his eyes level with his father's he was 7 years old and he still never forgot those pivotal words "Son I am going to train you to become a ninja, no excuses you will need to protect yourself someday, now go pack your things we are going to take a trip my father's place". thats how Nathanial began learning to become a ninja, yet thats only a small importance, see when they got their Nathanials father began sending him through a rigorous training, yet Nathanials father knew nothing of his wife linage's genes that made those that are descended from that clan psychically weak, sure the boy learnt to run quite fast but his punches had no power which pissed off his father and he was constantly made to punch a tree till it showed a dent no matter how small, yet the tree showed no dents even after days of hammering the same spot, and even when his knuckles began to bleed, his father eventually gave up on his son's ninja training, yet Nathanial who had just begun learning ninjutsu didn't want to stop... Eventually as Nathanial became more and more adapt at using ninjutsu a important person showed up, a ex Anbu member but he didn't brag or tell anyone so nobody really distinguished him from any other ninja but this Anbu member named Leton met Nathanial by chance, see Leton in his early retirement (for reasons he never said) had taken up a job as a delivery man, delivering supply's via the body flicker technique, and Nathanial had watched him suddenly appear at the door... "Hey? how did you do that" Nathanial asked curious as to how the man had suddenly appeared at the door without walking up the path. Leton just turned and said slowly "Kid do you not know what ninjas are?" "I do I do sir my father was training me to become one but then gave up and citified me as a failure sir" Nathanial said. "And do you really want to be a ninja kid?" Leton asked questioning the boys knowledge "I do sir ninjas can do amazing things like this" Nathanial said gesturing a explosion and then pretending to throw kunai Leton laughed "Oh okay kid your funny you know that I can teach you to be a ninja" Leton said to which nathanial began to smile then salute "Yes sir!" That's how Nathanial began training with a ex Anbu member in the art of ninjutsu and genjutsu. he learnt a few techniques from Leton like the hiding like a mole technique and earth corridor, then at age 13 Nathanial made a surprising discovery when visited by his mother Kaji she told him that she hated the fact he was becoming a ninja since everyone she had ever loved in her clan (this doesn't mean the clan is dead) died because of fighting as a ninja, yet she still loved him enough to tell him about what he could do about what his kekki genki was and the fact that she would help him garner his first summon. A few days later and the preparations where complete for their little voyage to the great reef, they spent days on that boat battled storms and giant fish, but eventually they arrived at a small rocky island with no foliage surrounded by a magnificent reef on the island, his mother guided him a small pool and told him to channel his chakra into the small pool to which he did so then a shape began appearing in the depth and Kaji watched it with a smile her son was gonna get a eel a medium sized eel good for protection and it would help him. but no the shadow kept getting bigger until Kaji began frowning and told her son to stop that's when Gurētoōshan no sandā no unagi burst through the ocean water, nobody really understood its motive's since it didn't speak the language of man but Kaji guided her son to sign the contract on the great eel's side to which Nathanial did so... only to be electrocuted and knocked unconscious straight afterwards. After this first summon Nathanial decided to try and gain as many contracts as he could which is how he came to have 7 of them, while also honing his Ninjutsu and Genjutsu this voyage encompassed a entire 3 years of his life its the only life he ever really knows. But then something happened that made him introverted he didn't want to speak about it he just wanted to get the missions over with and go back to being isolated. His mother never spoke to him and Laton had gone missing, nobody really knew why he was introverted they just shrugged and got on with their lives. But while alone and asleep one can still hear Nathaniel's mutterings "i didn't do it I didn't kill him" "I didn't want to kill him "he tried killing me first "its my fault "its my fault..." "its my fault" [u][b]Other[/b][/u]: ========================================= [b][u]Weapons/Items[/u][/b]: [hider=Kunai, explosive tag's] [b]Description:[/b]: Explosive tags are a relatively cheap item that are quite commonly used by ninja's they essentially do as their name suggest's and explode after being ignited or detonated, Nathan use's these Tags as a distraction, while he prepares another summoning technique, Kunai on the other hand are again a very versatile tool commonly used by most ninja as a stabbing or cutting weapon, yet they can also be thrown for limited effect. but the main reason Nathan use's them is for the fact that they can have explosive tag's attached to the loop, sentimentally making throw-able explosive's [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=A Kunai with a Explosive tag attached][img]http://narutosource.free.fr/explo.jpg[/img][/hider] [/hider] [hider=Summoning scroll's] [b]Description:[/b] Scrolls that are used to summon creatures Nathan has a contract with, currently he has 5, 4 of which are quite small and compact while one is noticeably larger then the other's [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=the scroll (insert the scroll symbols they vary depending on the summon][img]http://i51.tinypic.com/1yqrly.png[/img][/hider] [/hider] Summons - [hider=Rantan hakobu kitsune (lantern carring fox] [i]it is a large fox about the size of a Saint Bernard, usually carrying around its namesake, a large lantern within its jaw's this lantern allows it to use its Fire release Foxfire which summons many little orbs of fire before bombarding the opponant with them, it is the lest taxing on chakra out of all of Nathan's offensive summon's [/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] It had been a simple day with Leton, they had just returned back from the island trip and already Nathanial was inclined to get another summon sure he had his Thunder eel but he couldn't summon the behemoth more then once or twice a day so it wasn't the most useful sure when summoned it pretty much guaranteed a hit no matter how marginal or small it still hit and it covered a wide area but it was to taxing, So Leton and Nathaniel left Kaji and began to travel to the domain of the fox's for their acclaimed fire release known as Fox fire, days turned into weeks, but eventually in southern Kumogakure they arrived at the Kitsune valley, but as soon as they tried to enter they where met with fierce opposition. since the fox's where honor bound, and the only way to get a contract with them was to get to the bonfire in the center of the forest without getting caught, this is when Nathaniel was taught The Hiding like a mole technique by Leton, sure it worked but he was going in blind, when he arose he was barely 5 meters away from the bonfire yet his legs felt weak from the lack of air he had while traveling, he started stumbling towards the bonfire he heard the rustling in the tree's, 3 meters, then he say the glimpse of a flame and he flung himself at the bonfire disregarding the pain it would cause before he could be seen, his hand touched the burning blaze. and he retorted it back in pain. he had touched the blaze with his left hand, the fox that was so close to finding him, lay down the contract that would allow him to summon a fox he signed the contract that was showed his fingerprints as a mixture of charcoal and blood, and that's how Nathaniel gained the ability to summon fox's but he normally summons the same one who's called Lit, Summoned with Nathans left hand, [/hider] [hider=Gurētoōshan no sandā no unagi (the Thunder eel of the great ocean] [img]http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/091/7/1/electric_eel__by_reffelia-d6pywlb.jpg[/img] [i]A giant electric eel, comparable to manda in size, Nathans largest summon, it has the abilty to produce large quantity's of water causing something similar to a flash flood before electrify the water, as such it requires a large chunk of chakra to summon after it has completed its attack it will disappear, plus unlike manda the eel remains stationary and is very slow moving (it is much more effective if used at sea, its domain of origin is The grand reef in the ocean to the east of kumogakure[/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] See History for how his contract came to be, summoned with Nathans Right hand[/hider] [hider= Observing owl] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nNBXLAL.jpg[/img] [i] A owl commonly used for Recon due to the fact that its flight is silent, it is used by nathan for that exact purpose, the scroll used to summon it has a large owl symbol, on its case the owl is summoned by the dark blue scroll with the lighter band's the owl is capable of speaking the human language[/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] Ah his 3rd contract by far the easiest one in terms of difficulty, He and Leton had taken a trip to the owl residency a snowy forest north of kumogakure on top of a high mountain, their was owls of varying size's but Nathaniel was aiming for something smaller, as such The massive owl sage decreed a challenge to him, he had to ask each owl a question and if it was one they couldn't answer they would form a contract with him, this seemed relatively easy so he went to the smallest owl no bigger then his palm, big mistake, it proved vey knowledgeable they all did, about a hour later he came to the owl that would soon be his summon, his question, "I have fourty cups, I drop one how many do i have?" The owl was half asleep so it though he said Four tea cups and responded with "3" it was wrong, much to the owls horror, and the contract was made, Leton had to leave for a delivery after this event, over time Nathan grew to trust the owl and vice versa [/hider] [hider=Willow wisp] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2014/049/9/b/will_o__the_whisp_by_bambee96-d771i2o.jpg[/img] [i]Willow wisp is a utility summon while it gives of lit, it is a lot capable of self duplication akin to something like the shadow clone jutsu, but while it also give's off light it is also able to be used as a distraction due to it creating a natural genjutsu that makes you lose track of time if you stare at it. making you think you stared at it for moments when it was actually minute's the counter to this is relatively simple. get something else to prod you and bring you back to your sense's, summoned through the plain blue scroll[/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] A Will o Wisp is the essentially sentient Chakra without a psychical form normally made by moulding ones chakra into a item, it is basically leaving your chakra behind while you pass on as such many people don't see the point of it, but a will o wisp can be beneficial to others because of its light and genjutsu, they are relatively easier to contract with just feed them a lot of Chakra till they reach a certain point and then you can summon them, essentially they work like battery's you have to recharge them, Nathan discovered one on his way back to his grandfathers house, [/hider] [hider=Iron Cage Oni] [i]A red skinned Oni with a cage embedded in its abdomen, it is used to contain Ninja, the oni does this by eating them, and once they are in the cage in its stomach which is said to be indestructible (it is not it's just very durable),as well as self repairing (but at a very slow rate, if the entire cage was destroyed then it would take up to 3 weeks for it to reform it is summoned by the scroll that has 3 red band's and 1 black band [/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] The 6th contract was a Iron cage Oni, this was by far the most problematic, as the entire process of summoning the Ogre demon basically involved being eaten signing the contract in its stomach which negates summoning, and then somehow escaping so it essentially requires other people to work in a way similar to a buddy system, Nathan managed this feat through summoning his Fox before hand as well as his Owl but that didn't make it any easier, first Nathan had to be swallowed to reach the contract scroll, signing it, the contract scroll then disappeared back into the Oni's flesh, the way the demon worked was it will be unable to be summoned by anyone else till the summoner's death, it was still a chakra hungry beast regardless of who its summoner was, and it didn't deviate from friend or foe, Nathan managed to escape through using the fox as a distraction before making the owl force feed the Oni rock's causing it to choke and kneel over, making it easier to escape, but nathan didn't make it out scathed see the Oni ended up scratching his face, with a single mighty blow that propelled him into the cave wall, he barely managed to escape from the beast, with a bleeding eye, he could barely see for month's and his vision in his right eye is still not what it used to be, now he only summons the Oni as a way of detaining ninja, because it was impossible to escape from without outsider help, (or a incredible amount of chakra) [/hider] [hider=Moyasu Plateu] [i]Moyasu plateu is essentially a platform on the back of a Gecko, commonly used by those of the clan as a way of travel as such basically all members of the clan have their own contract with these "platform" gecko's because they are quite tame, they are not used for fighting summoned by the scroll with the gold band's[/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] The terms of Nathaniel's contract with his gecko was a simple one, see Nathaniel had returned to the village of his birthright where their where other member's of his clan it was a small and simple village built into the side of a valley for natural defense's and he was offered the chance to choose a platform gecko a chance he accepted, because it would make his travel's easier, so he was lead to a cave that was very very damp, and told to go in. he accepted, and ended up wondering down a large passage way. that lead to a large cavern filled with sleeping gecko's he wanted a large one so he would look grand yet after he did what the guide told him to do, which was to throw stone's at the wall until one of them woke up the first would be his contract, none of the large ones woke up, instead one of the smaller ones woke up it was the size of a horse. Nathaniel sighed much to the gecko's annoyance but he signed the contract anyway, this was his 4th contract and the gecko proved invaluable for traveling. so it was a worthwhile contract [/hider] [hider=Dragon skull] [i]The animated remains of a dead western dragon, it is missing the lower half and wing's (so all it is the head and the front limb's) as such it is not used for attack but more so for its incredible defensive propriety's, when it is summoned it summons on-top of the summoner protecting them from projectile's. it then disappears afterwards (this is Nathans second largest summon again it is very taxing on his chakra reserve's as it continuously drains chakra while summoned) summoned via the largest scroll [/i] [b][u]The Contract[/u][/b] This contract was a finicky one at best see the dragon remains in question had long since been trapped in the side of a mountain yet a gang of Ninja's thought it would be amazing to reanimate the creature of legend using earth Ninjutsu they where marginally successful sure the thing was alive but it was still a skeleton and required a constant feeding of Chakra on the mountains it was fine it could hunt like a normal dragon would but these Ninjas thought it would amazing to move this dragon into the village, how stupid they where moving the dragon into their little trading village, soon everyone began falling sick due to the lack of chakra they had because of the dragon, soon the village was abandoned, until Nathaniel stumbled upon it a couple of month's later when it was deserted, at once he started to feel growing weak fearing it was some other ninja trying to attack him, he quickly ran through the village. until he heard a inhuman roar, his mind wavered but he couldn't leave a massive beast roaming around, so he backtracked and standing their was the skeletal dragon, their was a scroll at its feet along with a few carcass's "What are you" Nathanial began trying to distract the dragon before making a mad dash for the scroll, only to be flung across the allyway, he rolled along the gravel, which hurt like a *****, before dragging himself upright, he opened the scroll, their was a unfinished sealing technique but it was also oddly peculiar as it was mixed with the symbol's for summoning, so Nathanial sat down facing the dragon and began to finish the technique because all it required was Chakra it drained him considerably so much so he could barely walk afterwards but he had pocketed a skeletal dragon, eventually through experimentation Nathaniel, would discover its defensive ability's but every time he summons it, it leaves him weak, a price to pay for its incredible defense, this was his 5th contract, and after it he had to travel around on his gecko because of the massive taxation that was the sealing, considering he was doing it while being drained by the dragon. [/hider] ========================================= [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B]: - Although his Taijustu skills are horribly weak which is shown throughout his clan, his Chakra reserve's are large (larger then most chunnin but less then some) - He has very quick reflex's but that doesn't mean he is fast enough to escape unharmed, just to turn a fatal blow into a less damaging one - He has sharp eyesight but its acuity is nothing compared to the Sharingan or other Dojutsu - He is commonly found carrying around scrolls (albeit they are quite small as he cannot carry large weight again due to his clan's genetic's - He is quite skilled when it comes to Ninjutsu, and slightly less skilled in Genjutsu - He can hold his breath for up to 6 minutes - Important in one of his technique's - He has very fine Chakra control. [b][u]Kekkei Genkai[/u][/b]: Multiple Summons technique - allows a person to have a contract with multiple summon's (the latters must be summoned with scroll's because if said User used their own hand to try and summon it they would only summon the First creature that made a contract with on that hand which gives a limit of 2 summons not requiring scroll's) and summon different species at the same time, during combat but this kekkei genkai rarely see's use because of how bothersome it is to contract with different specie's as it requires a lot of traveling (think animal path but still requires scroll's and cannot move during the duration of the summons (if doing more then one) ========================================= [b][u]Jutsus[/u][/b]: Nathans jutsu's revolve around changing the battle field or being defensive, to revolve around his main strategy of summoning [hider=Canon Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth release : Hiding like a mole technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Dependent on the user's chakra - In Nathans case due to his inheritance The range is Long [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] This technique changes earth into fine sand by channeling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect encompass's the body, making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy [b]Weakness:[/b] While using this technique the user has no access to air due to them being underground. as such, the user is limited by how long they can hold their breaths before they are forced to resurface for air. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Summoning technique - Kuchiyose no Jutsu [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Offensive,Defensive, Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] C Rank [b]Range:[/b] Short (but then becomes long after the summon is summoned) [b]Nature Type:[/b] None [b]Description:[/b] A Technique designed to move objects animals or people over long distance's, most of the time requiring a contract with said animal or person Nathan use's this as his main technique due to his kekki genkai [b]Weakness:[/b] if entity's are injured their will be times when they cannot be summoned as such the contract won't work or it will summon a different entity. also repeated summons become very taxing on the chakra pool. [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth release: Hiding in the Rocks Technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Defensive , Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Range:[/b] affects the user [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to blend into rocks and then move in and out of other rocks undetected [b]Weakness:[/b] It doesn't rend the user totally invisible just camouflaged very well into the rocks [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth Release: Earth Corridor [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b]: Ninjutsu, Offensive Defensive [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Short - Mid [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] The technique causes the earth in the surrounding area to rise up and over a target and create a cavern, imprisoning the target. The user can leave an opening to allow attacks to go in to strike down the trapped adversaries, or close it up completely to prevent escape. [b]Weakness:[/b] The enemy could escape through the opening or they could destroy the cavern walls and escape, their is also a chance of accidentally trapping allies... [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth release: Double Suicide decapitation technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] D [b]Range:[/b] Short - Mid [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom. Leaving them completely unable to move after they're underground. [b]Weakness:[/b] requires the opponent[@Username] being on the ground (as such if the opponent was to leave the ground for a higher altitude they would be immune to the technique [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth Release: Earth Flow Divide [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Offensive , Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] All range's [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] By flowing concentrated chakra from one's palms into the Dragon Veins flowing underground, one can tear the earth apart, creating large chasms. The length, width, direction, and curve of the chasm are shaped and fashioned by the user. (used by Nathan to shape the battlefield for his summons) [b]Weakness:[/b] It requires fine chakra control, as well as a lot of chakra as such it can drain the user explictly [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth Release: Golem Technique [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu , Offensive, Defensive [b]Rank:[/b] B [b]Range:[/b] All range's [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to create a large, humanoid creature composed of rock that can either be expelled from the user's mouth or formed from a nearby, pre-existing source of earth. Depending on the user, the Golem can be formed instantly. The size of the Golem differs depending on use, but it always possesses an ample amount of brute strength it is also very durable [b]Weakness:[/b] It requires constant chakra to maintain its integrity the larger it is the more it require's [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Earth Release: Mud Wolves [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu , Offensive , Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Long range [b]Nature Type:[/b] Earth [b]Description:[/b]A trap technique that is activated upon coming in contact with the opponent's chakra. The user uses a scroll to lay a trap where mud will shape into wolves that will attack the enemy. Despite being damaged, the wolves will simply reform, keeping the enemy occupied while the user makes a getaway [b]Weakness:[/b] its drawback is the time it sets to set up, as such it allows the enemy to catch up or easily counter it before it happen's [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Wind Release: Gale Palm [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Ninjutsu, Offensive,Supplementary [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Short to medium range [b]Nature Type:[/b] Wind [b]Description:[/b] A simple technique that when the users hands are clapped together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale. The technique, when used as an isolated attack has the power to easily knock over a human. Though the true value comes from using it together with projectile weapons [b]Weakness:[/b] It is quite weak on its own being able to only knock over people but with projectiles this weakness is amended, the other weakness is movement which means Nathan can't attempt using this jutsu without dispelling his kekkai genkai [/hider] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [b]Name of Technique:[/b] Wind Release Absence of Gale [b]Type of Jutsu:[/b] Genjutsu [b]Rank:[/b] C [b]Range:[/b] Mid [b]Nature Type:[/b] Wind [b]Description:[/b] A Genjutsu that when used cause's the target to hear a very light amount of wind, then the genjutsu begins giving the illusion that the target is trapped in a hurricane causing disorientation and a lack of balance this is used by Nathan to gain extra time to prepare a trap or to get a little breather before summoning again [b]Weakness:[/b] The genjutsu weakens over time with a maximum time of 4 minutes which means over time it gets easier and easier to dispel. [/hider]