[img]http://i.imgur.com/vQCrtrw.png[/img] It was quiet in the car with Steve despite the radio keeping up a constant stream of updates. A few times Steve swore, words Diana hadn't heard before, as he drove the car like mad. Of course none of that negated the fact that it was awkward in the small space. Diana shifted her sword to make sure it wouldn't get caught in anything. Steve occasionally looked her away as if to goggle her armor like he had never seen it before. Every time Diana spoke he'd just ignore her. And here Diana thought she was finally understanding people from this world. The Amazonian tried to focus on the broadcast over the radio. Those Robots were confirmed not just in Metropolis but in other major cities across the United States. Diana briefly wondered if her family was having the same problems on the Island. However she shoved the thought away. She couldn't afford distractions right now. "[color=ed1c24]Steve.[/color]" Diana tried again. "[color=ed1c24]When we get there you need to leave.[/color]" There was a small sound from Steve that sounded like he was choking. Diana raised an eyebrow. "[color=ed1c24]Steve?[/color]" Steve stopped the car suddenly. "[color=7ea7d8]Diana, going there is suicide.[/color]" He smacked the steering wheel, still not looking at her. "[color=7ea7d8]I'm not going to stop you since I can't but I'm not going to let you wander off.[/color]" Diana opened her mouth for a sharp retort but cut off as the car once again sped off. If there were more people, anyone, still on the road to Metropolis they probably would have gotten yelled at. But they were alone. No one else was stupid enough to be heading their way. Soon the skyline of their destination came into view. Smoke was more obvious even this far out. Diana pressed her lips together into a tight line. She hadn't expected the destruction to be so bad. Shouldn't the people have taken action against the threat? Even Steve looked a little shocked at the apparent destruction. The poor city was crawling with the robots. Diana drew her sword an place it in her lap. Steve eyed it but said nothing. She could tell he didn't believe that she was Wonder Woman. But she wouldn't let it bother her. She knew who she was. And she was going to help whomever she could. Diana spotted the first robot before Steve. "[color=ed1c24]Stop. Pull over.[/color]" She told him calmly. He didn't argue and stopped the car. Diana opened the door and got out before it stopped moving. "[color=ed1c24]Stay here.[/color]" She told him. Though she didn't expect him to obey. Already she was reaching for something. Diana eyed the robot, the first she had ever seen up close. She tested her sword before she dashed at it. Faintly she could hear a scream, but she had to focus on one target at a time. She closed the distance between her and the robot quickly. The metal monolith turned and lashed out with one of its arms, but too slowly. She jumped and struck with her sword. The sword slid off the metal hide drawing a jagged line. Diana fell lightly to the ground and rolled as another arm came at her. Abandoning the near mangled sword she leapt at the vulnerable part and ripped away the casing and pulled at the parts inside. The robot wavered then fell. Diana jumped off the downed robot and watched Steve jog to catch up. His blue eyes were wide in shock. Yet he still had a gun at the ready. "[color=ed1c24]That's not going to do you any good.[/color]" Diana pointed out. She should make him leave, the stubborn fool. She opened his mouth to convince him when they both heard more screams. Steve's face said plainly: Argue or help. Diana turned away from him and ran off, more slowly for Steve, in the direction of the screams.