In a small crop of pillars near where the camp had been Gwenaelle kneeled praying before a statuette of Andraste that she carried with her everywhere. Slowly she stood and sighed a bit picking up the statue and placing it in a pouch on her belt before heading back to the camp. Her plated armor though heavy did not make much sound with the thick cloth padding beneath. She stopped at the edge of camp listening to the back and forth between Heather, and Valana. With a sigh she moved up next to them not feeling the need to intervene just yet, but that was when she noticed the Task Mage and what he was up to. The entire idea of how he was pulling the remaining life force from the dead made her gag a little. After hearing Heather say her peace, Gwenaelle stepped between them a reassuring smile on her face as she tried to play the part of peace keeper just in case things got out of hand. She held up a hand and with a soften Orlesian accent spoke. “Perhaps this is a conversation left for later. We have been through much in the recent hours, and we should take in what just happened and learn from it. Perhaps a prayer is in order.” She raised her hands palms up towards the sky. “Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt, and wicked and do not falter. Blessed are the peace keepers, champions of the just.” She felt it was a necessary interruption since she of how hard headed mages could be, and how stubborn templars were as well. She lowers her hands and takes a deep breath. “Do you not feel better now? Perhaps you wish to add more?”