Valana, ignoring Vinrel's greeting, took a step forwards and turned to face both of the women. "A Templar, a former Templar, and the Chant of Light. This is sure turning into a sanctified afternoon, isn't it?" She raised her hands in a shrug before letting them fall back to her sides. "Let us hope we don't come across any Red Lyrium out here on the battlefield. Wouldn't want you ladies getting tempted and becoming a danger to the innocent..." She gripped her Spirit Blade a little tighter and turned away from the women, heading out into the small sea of bodies. "...At least Mages don't chose to put demons inside themselves." She muttered to herself. Valana stormed through the site of the skirmish, muttering balefully, paying no attention to the death all around her. "Self righteous, sanctimonious... Spitting their holier-than-thou drivel... Maker my arse... Collar me just so they can sleep at night..." She didn't notice the hand reaching out until it was wrapped around her ankle. The grip was weak but it was unexpected and Valana very nearly feel flat on her face as it brought her to a stop. She looked down and saw a man, no more like a boy, wearing the armor of a Tevinter Legionnaire. His breast plate was caved in, likely by a hammer, mace or axe, and Valana could tell that he was going to die. "...Please..." It was just one word spoken by a dying boy and, with her mouth set in a grim line, Valana knelt and drew a small dagger from the back of her belt. As she reached out to bare the boy's throat her hand touched metal and she saw the slave collar around his neck. She closed her eyes and drew the blade across the boy's throat, above the collar, and stood up as the light faded from his eyes. A slave. He hadn't been here by choice. He'd had this destiny forced upon him, swept up in events beyond his control. When was the last time he'd been able to choose his own path, she wondered. When was the last time [b]She[/b] had been allowed to choose her own path? That thought hurt and she pushed it away, her eyes hardening as she wiped the blood off the dagger and sheathed it before continuing on her way.