Name: Chloe Harper Element: Chlorine (Gotta love alliteration) Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: Stands at about 5'1, not very curvy but has a pretty athletic build and well-defined muscles. Unusual vivid green eyes and short black hair with dark skin. Big lips, usually wears bright red lipstick. She wears green most of the time. Powers: She instantly kills any bacteria or other pathogens on any surface she touches with her fingertips, so she's good as a medic. Also can exhale toxins at will that cause immediate blistering and irritation, in the lungs, as well as horrible agony, and death if exposure lasts long enough. I did a little reading for this and I read that something called a "chlorine iron fire" exists, which I didn't know about. Maybe if someone makes a character for iron, they can kick ass together? Weapons: n/a Backstory: Chloe's life before her powers developed was pretty normal and boring, although she has a history of being kind of germophobic and has always been an excellent swimmer. Her toxic breath had to be mastered over time: she first realized she had powers at all (since it's a little hard to realize you've just killed every microorganism on whatever you've touched) when she was walking home stupidly in the dark one day after a party and a young man who was following her startled her from behind, activating her toxic breath. He ended up dying. She struggles with a lot of guilt about this.