[center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/c59a528792dad1ce4acf8ee3508b2de2/tumblr_miswcb2ZLZ1rw5phjo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sofia Nessman [b]Element:[/b] Potassium [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Girl [b]Powers:[/b] Sofia has the ability to heat up to temperatures hot enough to produce a flame if she is in contact with water. She is also very good with plants, because she can transfer potassium from herself which is a good fertilizer for soil - not that it has many practical uses other than with gardening, but this transfer does drain her levels and makes her power weaker for a time. In combat, she has the ability to release potassium dust, which is very harmful if breathed in too much. However, she can only do this in short spurts, not for a prolonged period of time. She can also make a transfer of the potassium from herself into another person, which at high levels is deadly. She must be touching the person and have enough potassium in her system to do so. [b]Weapons:[/b] Sofia would never normally carry any sort of weapon, but would perhaps carry a switchblade if she felt she might need it to protect herself. [b]Backstory:[/b] Sofia has had powers ever since she can remember. She always used to get in trouble for burning things when she was younger, because she would take a bath then burn her pj's, or a book, or schoolwork. No one ever believed her when she said she didn't do any of it on purpose, her parents thought she stole lighters, but even when they teared her room apart they never found anything. This began an unsteady relationship with her parents, and Sofia had to learn to control her powers. Now she can control how hot she gets, how much fire is produced and where from. She even lights her cigarettes with her own finger.[/center]