It was awkward, mostly knowing that there was all this drama swirling around Ricki and Gabe and Livingston was in the background looking for something to whale on. But life had to go on, and it Livingston taking it badly was expected -- the guy was a spoiled rich boy, and as Gabe pointed out (also a spoiled rich boy himself) he went off to Hawaii to get laid. That was mostly stuff said at the practice, and Jared tried to tune it out. That stuff happened in his old high school, but it was Catholic school and the nuns didn't let things fly out of hand. Here, at Buchanan, it seemed like things were being allowed to proceed into this area where guys could get into a fight in a hallway. In any case, he'd never seen this house without a huge party going on, and it seemed cavernous and quiet, though the living room looked lived-in at the moment with the TV and the smashed cushions of the couch. He had his courier bag cinched tight against his body, to keep it from snagging stuff while he rode his bike -- not, he knew, the coolest seeming thing in a place where everyone seemed to have a car, and not merely a car, but a pretty nice model car, but useful in terms of working up a sweat, which he did on the way up to Ricki's house, even after a workout session. At least the ride was mostly downhill from here. Kind of like the day, except that was downhill from when it started. "So, where should we start? Jersey accents or scene?"