Atreides had his arms crossed, looking over to the rather wonderful borderline verbal sparring going on between the Grey Warden, Templar, and an ex Templar, at least ex templar as far as he was aware. Seems the Grey Warden could have handled that a wee bit better, as could the Templar granted, but it seemed to be the usual problem that so plagued the front presented against the Tevinter. Templar and Mage could not stop backstabbing each other long enough to kill the threat to their survival. The Ex templar seemed to at least try and make peace between the two, which got an amused snort out of the Taskmage, who had seen the entire event transpire, dismissing the Entropy field he had as the last few corpses were being checked, having stored enough energy against the future to be safe. The Grey Warden stalked off, stumbling upon another almost dead slave soldier, and the Taskmage gave the elf archer an amused glance before stretching. [b]"If we're done pissing in each others meals for five minutes? The Tevinter are bound to either miss this patrol, or know their little ambush went down the latrine. Probably wouldn't hurt to start thinking about someplace not here that we could hunker down for awhile, figure out something that isn't akin to aimless wandering. Just a thought."[/b] The taskmage shrugged, they would take his suggestion, or they wouldn't. He couldn't really control them and force the issue. Well, no, that wasn't quite fair, Entropy magic might make the issue forceable, but he didn't need to make enemies amongst the Templar of the bunch that quickly. Even if they didn't seem to overmuch mind his use of Entropy, although the ex templar looked a might bit queasy, which he smirked and made a remark on prior to wandering towards the tents. [b]"What's wrong, prioress to be? The dead don't need it anymore, and I'm saving a fortune on lyrium potions."[/b] The apostate mage laughed softly as he walked, waving off handidly towards the remaining few and glanced over at the Grey Warden, shooting a remark her way as well. [b]"Playing nice might help us in the long run, Warden, just a thought. They might not like us, but long as we don't go pull a Kirkwall uprising we should be alright, yea?"[/b]