[i]Malcolm realized he was falling, and falling fast. Wind whipped past his ears, his entire body numb as he opened his eyes, partially blinded by the sun which felt way closer than it should be, Malcolm looked up, which was actually down, to see the ground rapidly growing beneath him. He would have screamed in terror if he had the air in his lungs to do so -- before he could really grasp the situation he blacked out again. When he woke the second time he was lying in a cold pool of water. He shot up, his senses returning to him, patting himself down to make sure he was still in one piece. He was okay, minus a few cuts and bruises. They didn't seem like they came from falling. Almost like he had been in a fight. What's worse, the left frame to his glasses was cracked, there wasn't much he could do about that so he slipped his glasses on the top of his head. He could just about see okay without them. A quick survey of his surroundings told him he was somewhere tropical. He could feel his clothes clinging to his body -- his puffy baby blue hoodie was stifling and his white jeans and yellow shoes didn't help much either. Malcom was surrounded by forestation except for a small clearing. He could see a gentle waterfall nearby and -- another person falling from the sky! Malcom rushed over, running as fast as he could, despite the aches he felt from the cuts and bruises. Whoever it was fell into the water with a big splash. [/i]