She hated this school. That was for certain. Ever since she ended up here twelve years ago, she knew she had to escape. But common sense prevented it. She made a list of the excuses she gave herself over the years: one, the academy rescued her from a cruel fate and she owed them her life; two, Moroi were close to extinction already, it would be a waste if she squandered her life for a freedom that involved possible attacks from Strigoi and other Moroi outside the school's defenses; and, three, she was a coward. A stupid, pitiful coward. And she hated herself for it. A string of boring and nonsensical events followed after that---school tours, first day get-to-knows, opening ceremony. She was relieved when all of it was over. As a Student Council President and a royal Moroi, she had to keep up a facade that fooled almost everyone she encountered. Almost. Vladmir, the school principal and the Founder's godfather, always saw through my pretension. He never said anything about it, of course, not directly. They had bumped heads one morning a week before the opening ceremony and he suddenly told her, "Don't expect them to trust you when you don't trust them." That was true. She could never bring herself to entrust her true colours to the people who've always turned each others backs to one another. She watched her temper often, sometimes losing control at the worst of times. But these situations rarely happen, so there isn't much to worry about. Silently, she walked to her first class, Control & Disciplinary, avoiding every eye that looked her way. She was on edge. She always was on the first day of classes.