There he was! Kanako beamed at Airus, bouncing over to him as she exited her classroom. He seemed like a pretty nice guy, reasonably friendly and everything. And hey, he'd even waited to walk her there! [color=f49ac2]"Hey!"[/color] she sang. [color=f49ac2]"Sorry. Hope you didn't wait too long. Let's go!"[/color] Honestly, she was thrilled! Even if she [i]did[/i] end up getting a field job, she was just… so excited! She was sick and tired of being helpless, and even if her power [i]was[/i] next to useless… well. It was time she stopped moping about it, and started trying her best to improve herself! If Taro could do it, so could she! As they walked, she fell into step with the Enforcer boy. She hadn't ever gotten his name, had she? Well, never mind-- she'd find out now! [color=f49ac2]"So, um. My name's Sakihara Kanako!"[/color] she told him. [color=f49ac2]"I'm a phaser, but it's more trouble than it's worth, honestly… I wish I could, like, phase through other people's attacks and walk through walls all the time and all that stuff, but I can't really control it! Uh, what's your name?"[/color] Of course, Taro was naturally much more athletic than she was. But surely it didn't take [i]that[/i] much athleticism to fire a gun? Her phone buzzed, and she checked it hurriedly. When she read the incoming text message, she nearly dropped her phone in shock. Taro was joining the Enforcers too?! After that, her enthusiasm for the whole Enforcer thing went pretty much through the roof. She was going to learn how to use a weapon, she was going to get paid a whole lot more, and hell, she'd even still get to see Taro! Maybe they should both quit their jobs at the grocery store, then. Was it really still worth putting up with their awful boss? Well, whatever. If Taro was going to keep his job at the store, then she would too, but otherwise, she thought might quit. It would certainly free up more time for Chiyo-chan, after all!