[hider] [center][img]http://i998.photobucket.com/albums/af103/SliceAndDice747/RP%20Character%20Pics/zelda___legend_of_zelda_by_nayuki_chan-d37i9ab_zpsln4cefot.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Annabeth Stagitta [b]Nickname:[/b] The Indomitable Sniper, The Dawn Bringer [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Guild:[/b] Lamia Scale [b]Rank:[/b] S Class [b]Personality:[/b] Annabeth is a very kind and caring woman, often the first in Lamia Scale to help a guildmate who has hurt themselves or gotten sick. She's one of the older members, and that makes her consider a lot of the others as her surrogate children, in a way. As such, she often does things like cook for them or clean or repair their clothing. And gods help anybody who hurts them on her watch... [b]History:[/b] Annabeth has lived a rather eventful life. She was 10 when she started learning to use her magic, and by the time she was 13 she was slinging it around easily as could be. For most of her next years, she wandered about as a freelance Mage, taking jobs to provide for herself. She was often asked to join a Guild, but usually refused because said Guild "did not feel like a home for her." Several times this ended in a fight with insulted Guild Members, who almost always became injured Guild Members when she was done with them. She hadn't lied to them; she had never found a Mage Guild that she felt she could call home. There was always something... off about each of them. They wanted her for her strength, not because they wanted her to be part of their family. That changed one day, at age 19, when she bit off more than she could chew on a mission. The pack of golems she was engaging overwhelmed her, and she blacked out in fear that this was the end. When she woke up, however, she was in a Guild House, being treated by a healing Mage. After a bit of inquiry, she discovered that the Guild was called Lamia Scale, and one of their Mages had come to her aid. She pondered that; surely he could have left her there to wake up and gone on his way, so why had he taken the time to carry her back? That was when she started to feel that maybe, just maybe, Lamia Scale might be the Guild she'd been looking for. A short time later, she officially joined their ranks, and over the coming decades became one of their leading mages. For the previous 6 years, she's been away on a long-term Mission, but a letter recently arrived saying she was on her way back... [b]Magic:[/b] [u]Elemental Archery:[/u] Annabeth channels her magic in the form of raw elemental force molded in the shape of arrows that she fires from her bow. The size, flight speed, range, and piercing power behind a given arrow depends on how much magic she puts into it, and she can adjust the paths of her shots mid flight, within limits. If she is engaged in close combat, she can also create larger versions of her arrow types to serve as spear-type weapons. [u]Osprey's Eye[/u]: Annabeth's 2nd magic. This is simply an ocular magic that amplifies her vision to a large degree, allowing her to see great distances, observe the world in slow motion, see through walls, and even detect weak points in armor or attacks. When activated, her eyes turn from their normal blue to silver. [i][u]Spells[/u][/i] [i]-Dawnburst Arrows[/i]: Light based shots that explode on contact. [i]-Dragonbreath Arrows[/i]: Fire based shots that set their target ablaze. [i]-Frostfang Arrows[/i]: Ice based shots that chill and freeze their targets. [i]-Seashock Arrows[/i]: Water based shots that pierce through solid objects like water through a sieve, bypassing opposing defenses. [i]-Skylash Arrows[/i]: Wind based shots that shatter into many smaller shots upon contact or command. [i]-Rockforce Arrows[/i]: Earth based shots that fly slower, but strike with devastating power. [i]-Flashbolt Arrows[/i]: Lightning based shots that fly at incredibly high speeds, electrocuting targets when struck. [i]-Shadeshackle Arrows[/i]: Shadow based shots that are aimed at a target's shadow instead of their body. If struck, the target will be pinned to their current location as the arrows anchor their shadow to the ground or wall. [i]-Slayer Arrow[/i]: A single, exceptionally powerful arrow that is so massive Annabeth cannot knock into her bow or swing it properly, she can only conjure it as a spear and hurl it like a javelin. When it connects, it unleashes a gigantic blast of magical force that devastates the area and anything in it. However, using this arrow more than once per day is incredibly taxing on her, and she often needs time to charge the attack. [i]-Feathered Requiem[/i]: Annabeth's wide-area offense, she conjures multiple arrows of several types (aside from Slayer and Shadeshackle) in the air around her that, on her command, shoot forward as if fired from her bow. The way the arrows spread themselves depends on how she arranged them before firing, and she can do so in many various ways. [b]Other:[/b] She carries a runes bow called [i]Hylias[/i] with her at all times, and is very skills both at archery and close combat. [/hider]