[center] Name: Herme Erem Element: Mercury Age: 19 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/Niekawa.Haruna.600.302828.jpg[/img] Powers: Herme is extremely agile, enough so that many would consider her bones to be liquid. Bending to impossible angles, moving as though her entire body were a liquid. Within her blood there is a certain degree of mercury, and upon contact a person risks blood poisoning, and following blood poisoning one can be driven mad. Her body also has a natural reaction to heat, and when exposed to heat above 30C(86F) she releases mercury vapor, and when inhaled can cause both madness and poisoning. She can naturally dissolve most metals, excluding that of iron. She herself is weak to cool temperatures, and will become slow and stiff when cooled. Weapons: Herme uses her legs as weapons kicking swiftly with bare feet. She'll scrape her feet along the ground, forcing her self to bleed to fully utilize her ability. Backstory: Herme was born into a rich family, a family which had thrived in business throughout the years. She was even named after the god of merchants, Hermes. However, she had come to believe that she hadn't taken on that aspect of Hermes at all. Instead, she looked at her name a little differently than Hermes, god of merchants. No, she took a different role which Hermes possessed. She was Herme, the guide to the underworld. She slaughtered her mother, father, siblings, lover, friends, coworkers, acquaintances. She slaughtered all whom she deemed unworthy of living on earth, and mind you she had some very high standards. However, this all ended when she was caught, and held in a padded, isolated room with a door made of a special material, tungsten carbide. In this room she was given days after days after days after days to judge her actions, and no matter how hard she tried she was unable to crack her own head open on a padded wall. As her abilities manifested she was able free herself from her straight jacket, dissolve the frame of the door which had not been padded, and make her escape. However, this time she did not seek to kill. She would find a way to repent for her actions, despite of her growing awareness that madness was consuming her very being. [/center]