With his new company to keep his mind off the time; breakfast was over far quicker than he had anticipated. It wasn't until he noticed the room clearing over time did he realize it was time to move with the flow. Not wanting to waste even a single scrap of food, Lucaris made sure to pick up the bone that was left over from his T-Bone steak before departing from the table after giving a quick farewell to those that were still remaining. With a small smile Lucaris exited the mess hall and began his travels through the hallways of the academy. He knew not of where he should be going, but that mattered none at all for him. For once Lucaris felt no sense of paranoia or dread with his surroundings. [i]The people here are far nicer than those on the outside. It's almost as if a small burden has been lifted, ya know? Ah, you wouldn't get it. [b]I wonder how long this false peace will last, hmm?[/b][/i] Lucaris payed his fragment no mind and proceeded to crack the steak bone in the middle with his powerful jaws to get into the marrow of the bone. As he slowly cleaned the bone completely of all its marrow and flecks of leftover flesh an interesting sound echoed through the halls. It sounded almost as if someone or another was locked in intense combat. The sounds reminded him of his early hunts when he was young. Lucaris quickly ran over to the nearest window and peered outside. The window overlooked an interesting sight. It was a flat site with numerous training sandbags and sparring platforms set about the area. Several students gathered around one platform in particular as two people were locked in vicious combat. After getting a better look he realized only one person was taking the fight with any seriousness and it was a student. Their opponent was the man that had greeted Karnage and the rest of the group last night towards the end of the party. [i]I don't understand why isn't this man striking back? Does he not fear for his life? That student clearly wants to cause him great harm for some reason, but he's just standing there dodging everything. [b]Those eyes just there for decoration or what, numbskull? Can't you even do a basic weighing of power? That man is far more powerful than that student. Tch, I wish he'd have found me instead of a certain little pansy. I'd be bathing in blood if someone like him wielded me.[/b] Well why don't you just swap then, hmm? I'd be more than willing to give you to him. [b]Hah, you may be some hippy pansy but your hands ain't clean either. I didn't even have to convince you back then, y'know. Hey, do you still see them at night?[/b][/i] "Shut up!" "Well then." Lucaris nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a second voice behind him. A voice that sounded eerily similar to Karnage's. Yanking his claws out from the stone windowsill that he was previously giving a death-grip Lucaris turned to face the figure behind him. Low and behold the person behind didn't just sound like Karnage it was actually Karnage himself. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout at you. I was just, uh, just... Oh nevermind. I'm sorry but did you want something? I don't think I caught what you said earlier." Karnage briefly explained the task he was given and gave Lucaris an offer to join him with his task. Lucaris simply nodded and told Karnage he'd consider it. He sat there completely still as he watched Karnage depart wondering why of all people that he came to him for a task such as his. Of all things to be offered to do this was one he was hesitating on. Lucaris turned back toward the window and examined the damage he had done to the windowsill. Eight holes dotted the top of the brickwork with cracks spiderwebbing across the face down to the bottom where his thumbs were moments ago. He was glad that the brickwork didn't completely shatter in his hands and hoped the damage will never be noticed. Giving the sight below the window one last glance Lucaris decided to depart and make his way towards the gymnasium. [i]He said to find him this afternoon, and it's nearly midday as is. It must have taken him a while to find me given I'm not exactly in a class. I'll take Karnage up on his offer, though. This'll be the perfect distraction even through I'd rather avoid killing. It's just a bit of vermin cleansing, though, nothing wrong with that. [b]You are the cutest little hypocrite I've ever come across, heh.[/b][/i]