Mentally reprimanding herself, Julia dug her short nails into the palms of her hands. If only she had not chosen to stand in the corner farthest from the staircase...if only she had not allowed her social anxieties and insecurities drive her decision, then maybe, just maybe, she could have been one step closer to making a friend. Julia sighed heavily out of frustration with herself and proceeded to bury her face in her hands. “Ugh,” she groaned miserably. Today was, once again, just not her day for making friends. Rubbing her eyelids, Julia took a deep breath and discarded all of the negative thoughts she had just been harboring moments ago. Sure it had been a while since she had had someone to talk to, but it was nothing to get so worked up about. Calming herself. Julia removed her hands from her face and returned her gaze back to the staircase. The blue-haired girl was picking herself up off the floor as a red-haired boy approached her. The two talked for a while, exchanging pleasant grins, before a grey-haired man rushed over and joined them. His arrival must have startled the girl, because she almost fell off her seat and on to the floor again. It was impossible to tell what they were talking about from her distance, but by analyzing their body movements and facial expressions, Julia assumed that, for the most part, everything was okay. Smiling to herself out of relief, Julia decided to shift her attention back to the masses. Over the short period of time that she had been focusing on the stairs incident, quite a number of other supernatural beings had arrived in the restaurant and bar area of the inn. Julia sniffed the air, her keen vampire nose picking out the new scents from the old. Scrunching up her nose, Julia quickly covered the facial feature with her hand. None of the creatures in the inn smelled particularly appetizing, save a few exceptions…, but for the most part, their combined, magnified scents burned her nostrils when she inhaled deeply. Probably the most intriguing find from her scent hunt was strong scent of werewolves that radiated from one particular area in the room. Gazing over at the bar area, Julia watched the three werewolves for a very short while before concluding that it would be best for her to retire to her room. She had woken up far too early in the afternoon, so maybe that was the origin of overdramatic reactions. A nice nap might just be the perfect remedy. Consenting with the idea, Julia removed herself from her dark, dank, secluded corner and maneuvered her way quickly and quietly passed all of the bodies that were filling up the restaurant area until she reached the stairs. Scaling the steps two at a time, Julia found the next set of stairs and made her way up to the 4th floor, where her room resided.