Name: Slyvester Huntington Screenname: Sly_Hunting Sex: Male Age: 25 Appearance: [hider=Slyvester's Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Appearance/Other: Slyvester is 5'10" weighing in at 190 lbs. He has three tattoo's, one on each arm and one on his ribcage. One for each of his children that are outside of this world. Bio: Slyvester decided to get this game because he wanted a good game that he could kill his little amount of spare time and also while chatting with his little brother who lived on the other side of the world. When they purchased it on the release day they soon found out that they would be spending a lot more time with each other since no one could log out. It was one month into the game when himself, his brother and their guild got ambushed by a group of Laughing Coffin members. It was that day that Slyvester felt the most pain in his life since only a handful of members survived and his brother wasn't one of them. Slyvester was the only one who survived that attack that made it through the rest of the week since everyone else couldn't handle seeing all of their lost friends dying day after day when they all willingly ended their time in Sword Art Online. This was however not an option for Slyvester since he couldn't leave his wife and three kids to a madmans video game. Equipment: Slyvester always wears his brothers leather chestplate with the guild insignia on it for sentimental reasons so he relies on the strong alloy chainmail equipment that he wears underneath of the leather chestplate to keep his defensive stats on the competitive edge. At the moment he is wearing a silver warriors helmet that was altered to end at the cheekbone to show his beard. On his left hand only he is wearing a strong metallic bracer to help deflect minor attacks should they get past the small buckler shield. He also if wearing a belt made of a more flex metal version of the bracer in case of being disarmed. On his legs he is wearing pair of platelegs made of flex metal as well for improved movement. Finally for his feet he has standard boots to reduce leg/feet fatigue. Curved Sword; [hider=Curved Sword][img][/img][/hider] Dagger; [hider=Dagger][img][/img][/hider] Consumables: ► 6 Healing Potions ► 2 Defense Boost Potions ► 2 Attack Boost Potions ► 1 Teleport Crystal ► 75,051 Cor ► Medium-Sized Sharpening Stone ► Metal Retrieval Kit ► Metal Information Handbook ► Spare Ingots for Repairs Slyvester has a more aggressive fighting style so he is carrying a small amount of healing crystals. He also likes to make sure that his blades are always sharp for maximum sharpness so he also carries a medium sized sharpening stone. Skills; Curved Blade Skill Dagger Skill Buckler Skill The curved blade skill is significantly higher than the dagger since the latter is only a back up in case of emergencies. A ratio of 6:1 for curved to dagger. Crafting Skills; Metal Working Weapon Crafting Metal Refining Medium Armour Crafting Slyvester has an interesting method of fighting and that requires him to modify his equipment to be able to function at maximum efficiency. Attribute Skills; Strength [9/10) Speed [6/10] Intelligence [4/10] Endurance [10/10] Will [4/10] Charisma [2/10] Slyvester is a strong fighter who can endure quite a bit of damage and still keep slugging it to the opponent. He isn't overly intelligent to other matters besides metal working and basic spells and isn't overly charismatic but has some if ever needed. I think this covers everything [@ManoftheNorth]. If you see anything that I need to fix or anything like that hit me up.