Miss Lindemann reacted to Thomas' backattack as if she had a third-eye, parrying gracefully with her beam-shotel. "You are the Red Hot's brother?" She asked. Continuing to parry the attacks from two Gunpla showed her stamina that was professional level. Peter observed the battle and looked to contact Alice now. "Alice, I need you to join the close-combat!" He ordered. The Tallgeese Legion's camera shined in the moonlight. "Roger." She replied. The Mobile Suit placed it's vernier at full speed and prepared to charge with it's lance. As it was closing to the sight of the battle and when she was about to enter, The Gundam Sandesgeist immediately identified the new enemy and bisected it vertically with little haste. Observing the damage from the Byzantine Gundam flying above the youth saw the caliber of the German champion. "Alice!" He shouted in vain. "It looks like she's not going to lose unless one of us is harmed." The Gundam transformed back into it's Mobile Suit mode and began descending to the battle. "Gary! Shoot now!" He ordered! "We sealed her exits!"